Ok let us concider this as the first official MURC COC meeting...
I sujest the folowing
1) a statment of purpouse must be writen... it shall be known as the Code of Confusion... therefor which I nominate Sasq as our official Minister of Code Confusion (MOCC)
2) We start our own anthem (which must include the words beer, confusion, poll and post whores and pimps. it shale be known as the Anthem of Drunken Confusion (ADC)
3) I nominate ZokesPro's Avatar as our Club tresure .. there for Zokes automaticly gets nominated for the postion of Tresurer of Confusion (TC)
4) I nominate UtwigMU as our official MSS inspiered Minister of Confussed Information (MOCI)
5) I nominate Nowhere as our Official Minister of Turristic Confustion (MOTC)
We also need our own COC handshake and Salute....
any other sugestions are welcome
PS: we also need to decied who will be our Beloved President of Confusion (BPOC)
I nominate ANT (its only fair as he is the Admin of this forum)
Here is all the info you need to understand what the hel is going on (or get confused even more )
To Vote for the Founders
and you can also check the link in my sig if you arnt to faint of heart
I sujest the folowing
1) a statment of purpouse must be writen... it shall be known as the Code of Confusion... therefor which I nominate Sasq as our official Minister of Code Confusion (MOCC)
2) We start our own anthem (which must include the words beer, confusion, poll and post whores and pimps. it shale be known as the Anthem of Drunken Confusion (ADC)
3) I nominate ZokesPro's Avatar as our Club tresure .. there for Zokes automaticly gets nominated for the postion of Tresurer of Confusion (TC)
4) I nominate UtwigMU as our official MSS inspiered Minister of Confussed Information (MOCI)
5) I nominate Nowhere as our Official Minister of Turristic Confustion (MOTC)
We also need our own COC handshake and Salute....
any other sugestions are welcome
PS: we also need to decied who will be our Beloved President of Confusion (BPOC)
I nominate ANT (its only fair as he is the Admin of this forum)
Here is all the info you need to understand what the hel is going on (or get confused even more )
To Vote for the Founders
and you can also check the link in my sig if you arnt to faint of heart