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Here is what i sugest

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  • #31
    yay.... but no... i am the COC Dragon.... the wise ars around here
    "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


    • #32
      You know.. we should come up with something for Lizy.... any ideas... was thinking she could be the MURC COC Minister of Confused and Teased Avatars.. (MCTA)
      "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


      • #33
        Going by your sig, I thought you were a PollWhoreâ„¢


        • #34
          well i am.... you see... we dragons an be many things at the same time...
          "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


          • #35

            hear ye.. heraye.....

            it is about time that we add one more ministry to the ever growing confuion here at MURC....

            the new ministry shal be the Ministry of Confused Identity and i hearby pass the title of MURC COC MoCI on to Dogbert/TranformX/Vilage Idiot/King of MURC.... i think you get the point

            (TX: sory its sunday and i have too mutch time on my hands.... i couldnt resist...... )

            PARTY ON....

            and dont forget to update your sig
            "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


            • #36
              As official minister of confused information (MOCI) I propose that it's high time for starting some rumours for Matrox next kick ass cardâ„¢.

              I hereby appeal to all the ministers to join efforts of their respective fields in this noble cause.


              • #37


                • #38
                  Matrox CL65AMG - Performance without Control!


                  • #39
                    ah, the return of the most confused thread on murc
                    If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

                    Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


                    • #40
                      Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


                      • #41
                        here is what i propose... a 4 headed card pluse tv out .... all out put devices should display along with the MURC COC mascot upon bootup.... the card should work in a way that it silently wizes past the nvidia and ati trenches while they are on full alert and thuse wont notice anything untill it is tooo late ... the idea is to leave them behind confused and disarayed ...... as the new card will out perform them both combined and will sell for a realy competitive price.... Nvidia and ATI, upon hearing of the conquests that the new M card has made, will in all awe and confusion surender and pay homage to the master of confusion... the great M.... they will pay M to license thier awesome technology and will send all their enginiers over to M so as their new found god may make use of them to creat the perfect being.... a high end AI enabled super GFx card that has the ability to evolve its self and fix any problems it may encounter without interfeerance from any one...... all owners of Nvidia and ATI will be bewilderd at the confusion that will ensue becuse of this cards and it lesser derivatives that will be half smarter than the one M makes but built by ATI and Nvidia,,,, loyal Nvidia and ATI fans will still buy their cards thinking that they have the better cards and they will be confused when the MURC COC mascot sudenly apears on their newly bought A and N cards and starts to taunt them... explaining to them why they are nvIOTS and FANatiCS and how they are unworthy of the great M card that is twice as smart as its halfbraind ATI and NVIDIA syblings..... the loyalists of those companies will forever be lost in the spiral of confusion
                        "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


                        • #42
                          ok forgot to add this and since i am pro post whoring will not add it in as an edit as i hope to creat even more confusion by duble posting... especialy on this all to confused thread
                          "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


                          • #43
                            oh... and Haig will be made Ultra high priest of the God known as M... all the N and A lowly prists will make a pilgramage to the temple of M for his gidance .....
                            "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


                            • #44
                              If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

                              Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."

