Well, since we moved I've been getting easily a dozen calls a day from a fax machine trying to talk to me.
Most of the time it's "unknown number", but all day today it's had a number - in Kansas.
So... anyone who has a fax machine and wants to have some fun... line up.
I've sent them one friendly warning fax. If they don't respond, or if I get any more calls, I'd like to set as many people loose on them as possible.
We'll be polite, clean, and TREMENDOUSLY wasteful of their toner.
Whaddya say?
- Gurm
Most of the time it's "unknown number", but all day today it's had a number - in Kansas.
So... anyone who has a fax machine and wants to have some fun... line up.
I've sent them one friendly warning fax. If they don't respond, or if I get any more calls, I'd like to set as many people loose on them as possible.
We'll be polite, clean, and TREMENDOUSLY wasteful of their toner.
Whaddya say?
- Gurm