This stray cross labrador/schnauzer(?)/terrier or Heinz 57 varieties has decided to adopt us. He is ~3.5 months and has a decided personality (or should that be caninality?). He seems reasonably bright (already obeys, sometimes with reluctance, basic commands like sit, down etc.). The vet has given him a clean bill of health, along with usual jabs, tick spray, worm tablets etc.
His name is Beardie, for reasons you will see under his grin in this snap. Favourite pastimes:
His name is Beardie, for reasons you will see under his grin in this snap. Favourite pastimes:
- eating
- finding where cats have been in the garden and eating their detritus
- digging deep holes (not struck oil yet
- chewing the ends off jasmin branches
- chewing us
- chewing anything else he can find
- trying unsuccessfully to make friends with the neighbourhood cats
- being a pest