Thanks for the mini-review, Gurm. I've always liked Eddings, and this book sounds pretty good. Have you ever read anything by Raymond Feist? Your review reminded me of his book Faerie Tale for some reason. That book is damned creepy.. (though some parts of it are just kinda perverse
) and he even explains the purpose of the freemasons! 
Another book I enjoyed was a departure for its author in the opposite way. Chiller scribe Stephen King wrote a little book called The Eyes of the Dragon that's actually a really good fantasy novel. It's been years since I read it, but as I remember, it was a great read.

Another book I enjoyed was a departure for its author in the opposite way. Chiller scribe Stephen King wrote a little book called The Eyes of the Dragon that's actually a really good fantasy novel. It's been years since I read it, but as I remember, it was a great read.