A policeman who visited our house to advise on security.
We've got two side gates that we keep locked to stop people trying to cut across too the back path. Plus it provides a wind break to stop damage to the plants in the garden.
The policeman serious said this about them. "Leave them open when you're out."
To that I replied "I think you'll find the Burglars will just shut them"
The policeman couldn't answer that.
The other stupid comment he came up with. "It's also a good idea to have one room downstairs rather than two and leave the curtains open. That way burglars can be seen from the street."
Totally stupid as we weren't going to knock two rooms into one plus the Burglar could again easily close the curtains.
Over the breakin the insurance companies wouldn't insure us unless we had security bolts on the back door. Useless because the most of the door is glass so they'd just smash that again. But they insisted.
While walking the other day I noticed a sign which I think was meant to say Private land no public access. In fact it said "No private access".
We've got two side gates that we keep locked to stop people trying to cut across too the back path. Plus it provides a wind break to stop damage to the plants in the garden.
The policeman serious said this about them. "Leave them open when you're out."
To that I replied "I think you'll find the Burglars will just shut them"
The policeman couldn't answer that.
The other stupid comment he came up with. "It's also a good idea to have one room downstairs rather than two and leave the curtains open. That way burglars can be seen from the street."
Totally stupid as we weren't going to knock two rooms into one plus the Burglar could again easily close the curtains.
Over the breakin the insurance companies wouldn't insure us unless we had security bolts on the back door. Useless because the most of the door is glass so they'd just smash that again. But they insisted.
While walking the other day I noticed a sign which I think was meant to say Private land no public access. In fact it said "No private access".
