I know I will forget this post as soon as my mood will be back to ground, but still I'm in a good mood, so here's this morning good story.
It's 5:56 AM, Italian time zone. I should be sleeping, but I'm here in front of this monitor feeling as rested as I never did before.
There is this girl, only 18 years old (I'm near 26), who sometime has the face of a 16 and sometime shows the face of the woman she'll become. And she is so smart and deep she could really be ten years older than me.
So, we said, there is this girl. Tall, blonde, drawn with a paint-brush by some goddish hand, nice smile, perfect under every point of view. And, there is me.
I'm ugly, nothing to say.
You know when you feel that you have already seen someone, but you can recall where? I'm a long time customer in a bar on the beach here in my city, a bar wich is always been run by the same people since I can recall. Only, each summer there is someone more to help with tourists...and this summer, there is this nice girl we spoke about before.
This girl, who I never met before but whom I already knew everything about the first time I saw. The same for her, this strange feeling of knowing someone...and have never seen him before.
It's 5:56 AM, Italian time zone, and instead of being in my bed, sleeping and resting before going to work, I'm back since a few minutes from a night spent with her.
I've waited for her to finish work, tonight at 1:30. I was there, sit on my beloved motorcycle waiting and asking myself, why, I was waiting? We've met in the bar a lot of times already, we have talked a bit when there were no more customers. We told each other that we would have both liked to take a coffe and spent a bit of time speaking together.
We have said a lot of things, but why the hell I was waiting out there? For what? We took no appointment, we didn't even told each other our names.
Dunno why I waited, but I for sure know a thing: It's been the best spent waiting in my life.
We went for a beer and a cappuccino at a near pub, each other knowing that we both didn't know why, and started talking until the pub got closed.
We moved -a bit surprised by the way time was flying away- to the beach, sit onto a wall over the sea.
We never touched each other, we never kissed each other, we never did anything other than talk.
Honestly I can't care less if I'll see her again, tomorrow. Can't care less if I'll see her again, in the future. I've seen her, tonight.
For sure, emotions and feelings were so pure and deep this night that...well, who cares, I know what we've felt. This only it's important.
Sex without the body, kisses without the mouth, eternity together in a second. Who needs tomorrow?
It's 5:56 AM, Italian time zone. I should be sleeping, but I'm here in front of this monitor feeling as rested as I never did before.
There is this girl, only 18 years old (I'm near 26), who sometime has the face of a 16 and sometime shows the face of the woman she'll become. And she is so smart and deep she could really be ten years older than me.
So, we said, there is this girl. Tall, blonde, drawn with a paint-brush by some goddish hand, nice smile, perfect under every point of view. And, there is me.
I'm ugly, nothing to say.
You know when you feel that you have already seen someone, but you can recall where? I'm a long time customer in a bar on the beach here in my city, a bar wich is always been run by the same people since I can recall. Only, each summer there is someone more to help with tourists...and this summer, there is this nice girl we spoke about before.
This girl, who I never met before but whom I already knew everything about the first time I saw. The same for her, this strange feeling of knowing someone...and have never seen him before.
It's 5:56 AM, Italian time zone, and instead of being in my bed, sleeping and resting before going to work, I'm back since a few minutes from a night spent with her.
I've waited for her to finish work, tonight at 1:30. I was there, sit on my beloved motorcycle waiting and asking myself, why, I was waiting? We've met in the bar a lot of times already, we have talked a bit when there were no more customers. We told each other that we would have both liked to take a coffe and spent a bit of time speaking together.
We have said a lot of things, but why the hell I was waiting out there? For what? We took no appointment, we didn't even told each other our names.
Dunno why I waited, but I for sure know a thing: It's been the best spent waiting in my life.
We went for a beer and a cappuccino at a near pub, each other knowing that we both didn't know why, and started talking until the pub got closed.
We moved -a bit surprised by the way time was flying away- to the beach, sit onto a wall over the sea.
We never touched each other, we never kissed each other, we never did anything other than talk.
Honestly I can't care less if I'll see her again, tomorrow. Can't care less if I'll see her again, in the future. I've seen her, tonight.
For sure, emotions and feelings were so pure and deep this night that...well, who cares, I know what we've felt. This only it's important.
Sex without the body, kisses without the mouth, eternity together in a second. Who needs tomorrow?