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Do Not Call

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  • #16
    I once nearly started working at some phone advertising company where I'd have to sell magazine subscriptions (just normal, good mags, too, nothing shady, aside from the selling on the phone), and I would have been paid only for sold subscriptions. I could be there the whole day, if I didn't sell anything, I wouldn't make anything. The boss was a slimy idiot, I didn't like what I would be doing, and I didn't like the prospect of working for essentially nothing, so I didn't take the job. But I did/do telephone polls, which can be quite mentally agonizing for me as well, when an interview takes almost one hour, and I only get paid when I finish it (and of course the supervisors are listening in, so no cheating). I wish I could do tech support

    There's an Opera in my macbook.


    • #17
      So Az, how many idiots do you get who tell you to F*** off? And how many nice people do you get? I will actually do a telephone poll depends on the time of the call and how long it takes to do the poll, but one hour is too long to be on the phone.


      • #18
        Originally posted by RhinoZ
        I find it hard to believe a company would fire a telephone bugger because he didn't have a sale. It's not his fault, who asked him to call me up. Now if he didn't meet his number of calls a day etc, that I can understand. I'd really like to know how much sales or whatever they actually accomplish during their phone biltz. Is it like 1 in 10 calls that results in a sale or is it 1 in 100.
        If you are referring to the person my wife indirectly knows, he was a support caller. People would call him for whatever reason. Phone was broken, he locked himself out of the phone and couldn't remember the password, problem with his bill etc. It could be any reason.

        You ever called a company and they start offering new services? You are perfectly content with what you already have but they keep you on and offer service after service.

        This guy needed to lock you a few more years. You're not happy with your phone sir? We have a brand new promotion just started. The top of the line phone. Just off the production line. It's yours free if you sign this contract for 2 years.

        I believe they needed somewhere between 5 and 10 sales a month. They might take 70 calls a day.

        My wifes company, same industry gets bonuses the more sales they make. Could be a DVD, DVD player, new digital phone etc. At least they aren't as cut throat as the competition, but I'm sure that's coming.

        Anything for a buck.

        "You make me hornier before 9 AM than most
        people do all day!"


        • #19
          Surprisingly, after starting the poll, most people take it till the end, but of course start complaining after 10 minutes. The hard thing is entertaining the people to keep them on the phone. I usually state how long a poll takes before starting (though I chop off a few minutes, and say "circa" ), because it makes no sense starting a poll with someone who'll hang up midway.

          3/4 of the people who actually started the one-hour poll (it takes between 45 mins and one hour, and I state beforehand that it'll take a half hour plus) finished it. Most annoying are people who start taking the poll, tell you their whole life, don't answer the questions (taking 5 minutes talking about the question and me asking at least 3 times "so what's your answer?"), and then, 3 questions before the interview ends, suddenly get angry and say they have no time for this shit and hang up! I like to chat a bit with the people I do the polls with, but only if they cooperate. Most people who are unfriendly are men, but my female coworkers told me that it's the other way around for them

          Some (especially older) people think I'm trying to sell them something. (what I do is totally anonymous) But fortunately the great majority is at least friendly. Overall I think every fourth or fifth person that fits the profile (for instance, ask only homemakers about cooking, or so).

          The job can be a pleasure sometimes if you get some nice people, but overall, it sucks. It's very exhausting mentally to try and persuade people to take the polls, and to motivate them and plead to take them to the end. Throw in the occasional idiot who insults you and you're finished after 4 hours.

          Honestly, I think I'd rather do phone tech support, because at least I won't have to constantly fight to keep people on the phone.

          There's an Opera in my macbook.


          • #20
            See I feel for the phone guys just doing their jobs, because you know their boss is a slimey pain in the but, dollars and numbers kind of guy. It's pretty amazing that a company thinks telephone marketing works when 10 sales a month per 1400 calls is a good thing. But again and is it just me, that when I need something I research the heck out of it or at least make a couple of calls to see whats out there and for some free advice. Not listen to a guy on the phone who can't even say my name correctly trying to tell me that what he is selling is deal of a lifetime.


            • #21
              I'm afraid I took great pleasure in telling a time-share cold caller the other night I was registered with the "no-call " register and that they could be prosecuted for calling me, she couldn't get off the phone fast enough.

              Don't make me angry...


              • #22
                Originally posted by RhinoZ
                It's pretty amazing that a company thinks telephone marketing works when 10 sales a month per 1400 calls is a good thing.
                10 sales is good.

                My wife's place has 400 people on the phone. Not all at once. But if you can get 400 people to each lock in 10 sales a month, that binds each client to a 2 year contract, that's some decent coin. Especially when you called for help. If you wanted a phone you would go to a reseller. These are sales to people that already have phones and you may lose them to your competors when their contract is up.

                400 employees * 10 sales each = 4000 sales per month
                25.00 per month * 2 years = 600.00 per client
                4000 sales * 600.00 per sale = $240,000

                That's potentially $240,000 each month they attempt to get from people that are calling in with problems alone.

                I hadn't even realized the number would be anywhere near close to that.

                edit: Of course these are all estimates. The employees working nights are exempt, not sure if the majority of the contracts are 1 or 2 years, but I'm pretty sure most pay more than 25.00 base price.
                #1 DRILL SERGEANT PICK-UP LINE

                "You make me hornier before 9 AM than most
                people do all day!"


                • #23
                  Originally posted by az
                  Surprisingly, after starting the poll, most people take it till the end, but of course start complaining after 10 minutes. The hard thing is entertaining the people to keep them on the phone. I usually state how long a poll takes before starting (though I chop off a few minutes, and say "circa" ), because it makes no sense starting a poll with someone who'll hang up midway.

                  3/4 of the people who actually started the one-hour poll (it takes between 45 mins and one hour, and I state beforehand that it'll take a half hour plus) finished it. Most annoying are people who start taking the poll, tell you their whole life, don't answer the questions (taking 5 minutes talking about the question and me asking at least 3 times "so what's your answer?"), and then, 3 questions before the interview ends, suddenly get angry and say they have no time for this shit and hang up! I like to chat a bit with the people I do the polls with, but only if they cooperate. Most people who are unfriendly are men, but my female coworkers told me that it's the other way around for them

                  Some (especially older) people think I'm trying to sell them something. (what I do is totally anonymous) But fortunately the great majority is at least friendly. Overall I think every fourth or fifth person that fits the profile (for instance, ask only homemakers about cooking, or so).

                  The job can be a pleasure sometimes if you get some nice people, but overall, it sucks. It's very exhausting mentally to try and persuade people to take the polls, and to motivate them and plead to take them to the end. Throw in the occasional idiot who insults you and you're finished after 4 hours.

                  Honestly, I think I'd rather do phone tech support, because at least I won't have to constantly fight to keep people on the phone.

                  I feel very sorry for you, az.. I would (almost) rather be a ditch-digger.


                  • #24
                    Update: The legal system can really get in the way of what is best for all.
                    A U.S. court in Oklahoma has blocked the national "do not call" list that would allow consumers to stop most unwanted telephone sales calls, a group representing telemarketers said Wednesday.
                    Full Story
                    --Insert something here--


                    • #25
                      I just pay extra few dollars for an unlisted phone number. Never get any calls.


                      • #26
                        One can wonder if money traded hands to make that court decicion
                        If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

                        Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


                        • #27
                          Not having a fixed-line phone also helps
                          All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


                          • #28
                            We went ex-directory (same as unlisted), moved house and reappeared in the phone book

                            Don't make me angry...


                            • #29
                              Or if you have a cell phone in the States...can't/not supposed to get any unsolisted calls
                              Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?

