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They should have let the crowd have him....

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Jon P. Inghram
    It gets better... he was in the garage for several DAYS.

    I just can't comprehend that.


    • #17
      Read it all....

      The scene....

      Winshield murderer convicted....

      Then there's this one in Florida;

      Florida windshield case...

      Uppance: take a cab

      Dr. Mordrid
      Dr. Mordrid
      An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

      I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


      • #18
        Originally posted by Strahd
        Then you be responsible and put on your 4 way hazard lights and drive to a polce station.

        First place of call and if you've got a mobile tell them what you're doing as well. Plus get the name of the operator so they can't deny all knowledge.
        Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
        Weather nut and sad git.

        My Weather Page


        • #19
          Originally posted by lecter
          Oh sure, instead of seeing if the kid survived the damn crash AND calling for help or trying to help him themselves, what do a bunch of hicks do? They pounce on the immigrant responsible. Since the boy died at the hospital, there was more than a little chance he could have been saved if mob mentality hadn't overshadowed their judgement.
          As for "They should have let the crowd have him...." What's next, Doc? Legalising militias, lynch mobs, the KKK? They were all about "letting the crowd have 'em", no?

          Good point's lect. It's doubtful that they knew he was an immagrant though. They don't go around with it tattoed on the forehead. They should have attended to the victimn first.
          Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
          Weather nut and sad git.

          My Weather Page

