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some facts about women.

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  • #16
    I have to disagree with this picture... She skipped a few stores.
    Attached Files
    --Insert something here--


    • #17
      that would be the computer store and radio shack
      We have enough youth - What we need is a fountain of smart!

      i7-920, 6GB DDR3-1600, HD4870X2, Dell 27" LCD


      • #18
        ...hmmm. Looks like she is still in there and he has been waiting for three and a half hours where she said she would meet him in ten minutes...
        How can you possibly take anything seriously?
        Who cares?


        • #19
          that would be the computer store and radio shack

          ROTFLMAO !
          A Smith & Wesson beats Four Aces


          • #20
            Originally posted by RibsteakRon
            ROTFLMAO !
            love the avatar.

            <font size="1">"So now I'm dreaming<br>For myself I'm understanding <br>Performing there, one hundred thousand fans would gather one and all <br>And so decided, we could rule it all if we should <br>Dance all away across the greatest city in the nether world..."<p>- Central Park 09/24/03</font>


            • #21
              Originally posted by McRhea
              You guys need to come to Korea and get yourself a KOREAN girl. Subdued, Loyal, Cute, won't get fat when they have a kid, cooks you dinner, and they'll do whatever you want them to.
              I seroiously hope no women are in here.

              Subdued, Loyal, Cute
              That was kind of my prerequisites for a dog.

              "You make me hornier before 9 AM than most
              people do all day!"


              • #22
                I was thinking the same thing, is it a dog or a wife that you are after?
                A Smith & Wesson beats Four Aces


                • #23
                  Dude, have you married a Korean woman?

                  Afaik Korean culture is very similar to Japanese culture.

                  Lots of stereo types in your statement there, and if you wish to continue with them (stereo types), I can tell you from experience they are myths - no matter what your experience is now.

                  No matter what you've seen/read/experience on the dating scene, no matter what you've seen in the movies. Asian house holds are very matriarchal for day to day life. (Pretty much the same for the rest of the world as most Married people here will agree)
                  Juu nin to iro

                  English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.


                  • #24
                    Yup That is the asian model for family..roughly as below

                    The husband is expected to hand over his salary on his pay day to his wife (or his mum) and the wife(or mum) decides what to do with the money since she is the one running the family.

                    And for the power they wield at home, they are happy to let everyone think they are docile and gentle.. not to say they are anyhing else. it is just that they accomplish everything they want without raising their voices.. The poor husband has to do everything the wife ask them so as to not earn a bad name for himself...
                    Life is a bed of roses. Everyone else sees the roses, you are the one being gored by the thorns.

                    AMD PhenomII555@B55(Quadcore-3.2GHz) Gigabyte GA-890FXA-UD5 Kingston 1x2GB Generic 8400GS512MB WD1.5TB LGMulti-Drive Dell2407WFP
                    ***Matrox G400DH 32MB still chugging along happily in my other pc***


                    • #25
                      What? Belwarrior, I'm IN South Korea right now for the summer, and I sure don't see any of that where I am. The guy is the one running the household in all the cases I've seen.
                      The girls I know are very obedient to their boyfriends, if the guy doesn't like the clothes the girl is wearing, she'll go back to her house and change. Good luck getting a Westernized chick to do that.

                      My fiancee always checks with me to see if it's all right if she does something, like go out with friends or whatnot, just like I'll tell her if I'm planning on doing anything with my friends. If she doesn't really like me going out with the guys, she'll let me know, and if I feel uncomfortable with her going out that particular day, then I let her know and we both respect the others wishes.

                      I have not seen ONE of my American friend's girlfriends do that. It's always, "Hey, I'm going out with my friends, see ya later." And if the friend voices he concern and expresses his wish that she stay with him that night, usually one of two things happens. 1) The girl says, "Whatever, if you love me, you'll trust me, See ya" or 2) The girl stays home with him, but then the evening is ruined by laying a guilt trip on him by saying, "Fine, I just won't have any fun for the rest of my life because it's what you want."

                      I just find Korean girls to be much more fun and easier to deal with that head strong westernized women.

                      Some guys like strong women that have a mind of their own, and there's nothing wrong with that. But I like my women to listen to me to some degree. I dislike the equal rights attitude of most of the western girls.
                      Don't get me wrong, I strongly believe in equal rights, but to me it seems the equal rights movement has become, "We're all equal now, but because I'm a woman, I have MORE equal rights that you men! Treat me like a lady in certain situations, and like a man in others!" I say Booooo to that. Equal rights means equal rights! None of this double standard stuff.

                      Different strokes for different folks.


                      • #26
                        McRhea, Soto & Ie. Outside and inside. What you see and what's real are different. I'm not discounting your impressions.

                        Belwarrior, I get the feeling you know my pain

                        Don't get me wrong, and one of the things I find attractive about my wife is she is more concerned with the family unit then herself, but she will fight tooth and nail for family unit first. If that means not going out with the boys because your saving for XXXX then you better get used to the free TV channels, cause 1) your not going out, 2) you can't afford cable either.

                        Many foreigners here make the misinterpretation of preserving 'wa' (harmony) particularly while outside and passiveness.

                        Yes Asian women tend to care less about 'MY rights' and tend to be less 'selfish' (I want a better word for that - damn I'm loosing my vocab) but head strong they are.

                        Just a heads up, believe or not. but when you go out with your finances parents - who pays the bill at dinner, her Dad or her Mum?
                        Juu nin to iro

                        English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Sasq
                          Just a heads up, believe or not. but when you go out with your finances parents - who pays the bill at dinner, her Dad or her Mum?
                          In the past 4 years it has always been her Dad that has paid the bill.
                          What you're saying is really odd, because in non-westernized family homes here in Korea, the Father is the one that controls the money... is it not this way in Japan as well?


                          • #28
                            Taiwanese Girls are best!


                            • #29
                              Southern Belle
                              --Insert something here--


                              • #30
                                I pay for my women when I'm done...its easier that way

                                Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?

