First day at work 
I just can’t believe it…. I have spent all day in induction lectures.. I know all about the different services which are offered throughout the hospital, but do I know when and where I am working, no. Do I know how much I am getting paid… No.
I am so pissed off… I have just found out today that my job has changed pay banding as of today. I know earn £5000 less than I was expecting. That makes me short a around £350 a month after tax. Now I don’t mind earning less I am working less. But I’m not.
Infact, I work between 1-3 thirteen hour shifts per week, with the remainder being 9-5. Plus six nights a week, PLUS one weekend.
So I am going to keep a diary showing the hours that I have worked each week. I don’t mind being paid less, but I am certainly not going to work for free. What is really annoying is that I purposely phoned up last week to confirm the salary for the purpose of getting a mortgage, and they told me then that I should be getting what I was expecting. Bastards.
And then we come on to the car parking. There is very limited parking due to the trust building a new hospital directly behind. I am only allowed to park during unsociable hours i.g. before 9am and after 5pm, which to be fair is going to be most days. However, If I am seen to abuse the system (read park on-site regularly) then they have threatened to clamp the car. Now here’s the killer. I am entitled to free accommodation, which comes with a free car park space – for use all hours. Now I don’t need the room, and they are in relative short supply, but will they just give me a ‘full-time’ permit, no.
I have half a mind just to take the room and not use it. I am so close to quiting….
There are lots of vacancies in the area so finding another job won’t be difficult.

I just can’t believe it…. I have spent all day in induction lectures.. I know all about the different services which are offered throughout the hospital, but do I know when and where I am working, no. Do I know how much I am getting paid… No.
I am so pissed off… I have just found out today that my job has changed pay banding as of today. I know earn £5000 less than I was expecting. That makes me short a around £350 a month after tax. Now I don’t mind earning less I am working less. But I’m not.
Infact, I work between 1-3 thirteen hour shifts per week, with the remainder being 9-5. Plus six nights a week, PLUS one weekend.
So I am going to keep a diary showing the hours that I have worked each week. I don’t mind being paid less, but I am certainly not going to work for free. What is really annoying is that I purposely phoned up last week to confirm the salary for the purpose of getting a mortgage, and they told me then that I should be getting what I was expecting. Bastards.
And then we come on to the car parking. There is very limited parking due to the trust building a new hospital directly behind. I am only allowed to park during unsociable hours i.g. before 9am and after 5pm, which to be fair is going to be most days. However, If I am seen to abuse the system (read park on-site regularly) then they have threatened to clamp the car. Now here’s the killer. I am entitled to free accommodation, which comes with a free car park space – for use all hours. Now I don’t need the room, and they are in relative short supply, but will they just give me a ‘full-time’ permit, no.
I have half a mind just to take the room and not use it. I am so close to quiting….
There are lots of vacancies in the area so finding another job won’t be difficult.
