A 50-ish woman went swimming yesterday off the coast of San Louis Obispo, California.
She was wearing a wetsuit with large flippers (makes you look like a seal)
She swam 75-100 yards into the Pacific Ocean & started swimming with a large group of seals
She was mistaken for a seal by a large shark, bitten twice and killed
I'm sorry, but as a former diver I think that "swimming with the seals" in what is known to be shark waters is profoundly STUPID

Dr. Mordrid
She was wearing a wetsuit with large flippers (makes you look like a seal)
She swam 75-100 yards into the Pacific Ocean & started swimming with a large group of seals
She was mistaken for a seal by a large shark, bitten twice and killed
I'm sorry, but as a former diver I think that "swimming with the seals" in what is known to be shark waters is profoundly STUPID

Dr. Mordrid