Having seen posts about many celebrities quitting this mortal coil, what will happen when one of us does so? Nothing!
If ZokesPro turns up his toes, his avatar will no longer black her eyes and someone may say, days, weeks or months later, wonder what happened to that guy with the provocative avatar? Haven't seen it lately. But no one will know whether some girl has not bumped him off out of jealousy, he stepped out in front of a #7 bus or, worst tragedy, he forgot to pay he ISPs invoice.
We have no way of remembering him/her if one of us passes on to the Elysian Fields, yet aren't we closer to one another than to Bronson, Hope etc.? Sad!
If ZokesPro turns up his toes, his avatar will no longer black her eyes and someone may say, days, weeks or months later, wonder what happened to that guy with the provocative avatar? Haven't seen it lately. But no one will know whether some girl has not bumped him off out of jealousy, he stepped out in front of a #7 bus or, worst tragedy, he forgot to pay he ISPs invoice.
We have no way of remembering him/her if one of us passes on to the Elysian Fields, yet aren't we closer to one another than to Bronson, Hope etc.? Sad!