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Health Update

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  • Health Update


    A lot of you have expressed concern over my health in various threads and offline as well. I thought that a little update is/was in order.


    Whatever I had last fall is completely gone. I think the eye problems were coincidental, not a result of the disease. The probable verdict on the disease itself is a cascading syndrome caused by acute food poisoning. It happens more often than you think, I'm told. Lasts 8-10 weeks. Yikes!

    So yeah I still have eye floaters, but they're less problematic than they were, and the rest of the trouble (nausea, rapid weight loss, weakness, shakiness, etc.) is gone.


    Whatever ailed me over the winter... is still with me a little. But it's getting better. Some days my ears still drive me nuts, but most days they're livable. What made the difference? I'll tell you.

    A few weeks back (about 3 weeks now) I was feeling lower than low. Nothing I had tried had helped, and although I had enjoyed a period of brief remission from the worst of the ringing, it had come back with a vengeance and I was depressed. Tired and depressed. Sick of being sick, sick of living a life of moving from one disease to another.

    So I pretty much hit rock bottom - and bounced. Two things happened at the same time:

    1. I decided to DO something about it, dammit. Get proactive.

    2. I went to see my friend's wife, who is an acupuncturist.

    Well, my visit to the practitioner was enlightening. Chinese medicine being what it is, you must take this with a grain of salt. But she asked a few pertinent questions, and before ever busting out a needle she proceeded to describe 90% of what ails me to a T. I was diagnosed with severe kidney deficit, my kidneys were being drained of Qi, Yin, AND Yang. Yikes! (That's a half-silly half-serious yikes, folks). Apparently my liver was dominating. So, after needling me a bit, I was given some dietary changes to make.

    1. No more coffee. Not no caffeine, although I cut way the hell back on that too. Coffee, according to Chinese medicine, is a warming medicinal that liberates energy from the kidneys and mobilizes it upward through the body. The caffeine also drains Yang from the kidneys, and the Liver was draining Yin. Or some crap like that. I dunno. So I switched to Green Tea (with a tiny bit of caffeine). I even went one step further and switched to Green Tea Mate - which has no caffeine at all but rather a similar compound called "Matteine" which is known to be less harsh on your system.

    2. Cut way back on dairy. Apparently too much dairy causes your head to congest. This isn't such a strange idea - doctors have been saying for a while now that adults should really stop drinking so much milk. They are hushed by the dairy council, but in Japan, where NOBODY drinks milk, they have so much LESS hip fracture in women that it makes you wonder what we're doing that leeches calcium from our bones (hint - coffee has something to do with it).

    3. Cut way back on sugar. I've just tried to avoid sugary stuff. I haven't removed it from my diet, but I've tried to eat desserts involving fruit instead of desserts involving processed sugar. And I've started cooking with raw sugar instead, which is much better for you.

    4. Rice. Unprocessed rice. Eat a lot of it. I've started using Brown Rice. Not only is it yummier than white rice, it's half the price.

    I'm rambling now, but suffice it to say that I've tried to eat right. Lots of veggies, not a lot of starch, cut back on dairy, sugar, and almost no caffeine now for 3 weeks.

    At the same time, I started exercising in a serious way. I take time out every day to work out. This sounds so simple, right? Well, I have no weights, but the exposed beams in our house make an excellent place to do chins, and there's a LOT you can do with body weight resistance.

    I started jogging. I still hate it, and I'm gonna borrow my parents' Nordick Track instead, and go biking, but the jogging isn't as terrible as I recall it being.

    Then I made a conscious effort to change my lifestyle. No more sitting in front of the computer all day. Get up, get out, and DO stuff. Even if it's just puttering around the house or the yard, be active.

    And you know what? It sucked. For about 2 days I felt so terrible I wanted to just curl up and go to bed and never get up.

    But day 3 dawned, and by noontime I had so much energy I thought I was gonna explode. I've started carrying something with me to work off some energy - my juggling balls or something - because I have too much now.

    In less than a WEEK, I went from not wanting to get up in the morning and being tired enough for bed at 8PM... to rolling out of bed WIDE AWAKE around 7AM and having to remind myself that it's 11 and I should really hit the sack.

    I haven't weighed myself - I'm not doing this to count pounds. I'm doing this to improve myself. I'm trying to achieve an active lifestyle, when for the last 10 years I've led a mostly sedentary existence.

    And remarkably, everything seems better. Yes, we're still broke and I still need a job. Yes, some days I still ache in the head and my ears still ring. But they're getting better, little by little. Some days I don't hear them at all unless I listen, and that's a little blessing in and of itself.

    I've started doing things I enjoy again - I fixed up my brother's boat and I've been going sailing. I've made plans to start skiing again this winter. Both are things I loved as a young adult but haven't done in 10 years, almost.

    As soon as it's financially doable, I'm starting Kempo at the local dojo. I intend this change in me to be permanent. I have goals - gut gone by Christmas is one, don't know if it'll happen but I'll be well on my way. Already I can bang out more pushups than I could when I was in college, and I can jog a mile without dying (hey it's a start - no runners making fun of me when I haven't exercised in YEARS now).

    Anyhow, life is pretty good. I need work, and Julie and I are working on a few things with us, but things are decent. I've torn through an entire series of books (HARD ones, that you can't speedread because they're too tricky) - the first reading I've done in a good long time other than Eddings.

    I do miss coffee though. *sigh* But there's a world of tea out there.

    - Gurm
    The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

    I'm the least you could do
    If only life were as easy as you
    I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
    If only life were as easy as you
    I would still get screwed

  • #2
    That's okay, coffee is eVil!

    Sounds great, Gurm. There is a big underground movement in the US right now that's using dietary changes to heal people, instead of drugs. I know a lot of people that have been healed by natural medicine that conventional medicine didn't really do much for. Or at least a combination of natural and very selective conventional medicine.

    Good luck!

    “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
    –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett


    • #3
      In Japan nobody drinks milk, but they are strong on Soy milk, which when your really young helps develop a superb immune system, which is what I was raised on because I was allergic to it. The stuff tastes really bizarre but it's healthy.

      Anyways, glad to hear your doing better!!
      Titanium is the new bling!
      (you heard from me first!)


      • #4
        Good to hear Gurm

        I've just done a similar thing - gotten a hold of myself (after feeling pretty miserable about myself for a while). I've started eating healthily and swimming daily if possible. And I feel better for it already.

        But the real secret for me was stopping drinking COMPLETELY about 4 weeks ago. 3 weeks after that and I was ready for the rest (above). So now I'm teetotal which is a bit wierd, but I'll stick with it until I have the confidence in my own state of mind that I'll get happy drunk and not sad-drunk with a 3-day emotional hangover.

        And I can already feel the weight coming off. I stopped rowing (>35 hours per week) about 4 years ago due to back problems, and piled on about 5 stone (=70 pounds or a bit more than 30kg) which has since stayed. In the end it always has to come from within I suppose
        DM says: Crunch with Matrox


        • #5
          I'm glad you're feeling better. I can't speak about the yin and the yang of it, but everything you're doing sounds entirely reasonable. Personally, I'd have problems with the "no more coffee" thing. Particularly if I was reading hard books.



          • #6
            And to think for me it's a little the other way around...

            I don't smoke, I have a balanced diet, I train regularly, I drink tea (no coffee) and I try to drink red wine once in a while (no alcohol besides that).

            Yet I have a very hard time getting out of bed in the morning.
            Maybe I should start smoking, drinking beer and be a couch potatoe...
            "For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism."


            • #7
              Yeah, these changes make a big difference. Even with all my dancing, I was still putting on weight. I started tweaking my diet, and in January added trips to the gym. I've gone from 6'1", 40" waist, 225lbs and benching 90, to 208lbs, 36", and benching 210.

              And so much more energy. And no drugs (just some whey protein sometimes).
              Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


              • #8

                Hey some people just aren't morning people.


                Yeah, I would have thought so too. And I do miss it - I am one of those people who has always loved the way coffee tastes, ever since I was a little kid (coffee milk and coffee ice cream back then). But after realizing just HOW addicted I was to it - not just the caffeine, the COFFEE - and reading up on what it does (in addition to the Chinese Yin/Yang/Qi thing, it also ****S UP your electrolyte balance and can mess with your hormone levels), I'm glad I quit it. And I think it wouldn't kill me to have a cup now and then when I'm tired and need a lift. That's the way the Chinese advocate it - the way that they describe it is that drinking coffee occasionally allows you to transfer some energy around for a lift. (This goes a long way to explain how decaf drinkers still get all perky after their coffee...) But that using it as a habit is like always running off your reserve batteries without ever giving them a chance to recharge. Eventually you have no reserves at all, and after that you have less than nothing!


                I believe in moderation. My goal is to get to a place where it's ok if I have a beer or a glass of wine - just not 3 or 4, and not every night right before or after dinner. Likewise I'd like to eventually be able to have a small cappucino because I _like_ it, but not be so addicted that I need it to get out of bed in the morning. My caffeine withdrawal was short and sweet this time (2-3 days), but when I've tried to give it up before - without these other changes to go with it... YIKES. I don't want to condition myself to need any more substances, thanks.


                Lots of people are starting to SWEAR by "Silk", and I think I'll have to try it. I've always hated "fake milk", such as Lactaid (that stuff is NAAAAAAASTY), but people say that... IN things... Silk is good. I may pick up a carton.


                Yeah, the problem is that natural healing is as much an art as conventional medicine... and there's too much "stuff" floating around. Case in point - I had tried to herbally self-treat, and (although she was quick to point out that in Massachusetts acupuncturists aren't authorized to dispense/prescribe herbs) the practitioner got me off that right away. Her exact words were "don't mix herbal, homeopathic, and conventional - and don't take something just because it says it's for what's bothering you". And she was right. Right now I'm taking a multivitamin and some mushroom stuff for strengthening the immune system, and that's IT, other than the occasional analgesic or sinus relief when this ear thing gets bad.

                I think that we need to have some certification for natural healers, and less of this "hey look a bunch of herbs sold without prescription" stuff.

                - Gurm
                The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                I'm the least you could do
                If only life were as easy as you
                I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                If only life were as easy as you
                I would still get screwed


                • #9
                  If you're thinking about soya milk, it might be worth trying to find some sheep milk (yes, you heard right)... it tastes much much better, and my sister who ended up finding that it was milk that was making her feel like shit all the time is fine with it - dunno the science behind it, but it's a thought (we had a sheep dairy on the farm for a while - fresh, that stuff keeps for AGES as well )
                  DM says: Crunch with Matrox


                  • #10
                    Nice to hear some good news Gurm

                    Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


                    • #11
                      Congrats Gurm..great turn around. But you didn't say if the sex got better

                      I started doing a few things myself. I stopped drinking pop and I stopped eating after 8:00pm. ( Yeah I know the eating after 8:00pm is a no brainer, but I used to work shift work and that was supper time) Just doing those two things I've got a some of my old energy back and I've dropped more than a few pounds. Haven't had the time to exercise yet but that will come.
                      Keep it up.


                      • #12

                        Nah, I'm not looking to suck back a glass of milk, just for something to put in my tea or over my cereal that doesn't taste NASTY.

                        And there's no F***ing way I'm giving up Ice Cream. Just cutting way back. Moderation.

                        - Gurm
                        The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                        I'm the least you could do
                        If only life were as easy as you
                        I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                        If only life were as easy as you
                        I would still get screwed


                        • #13
                          Hey congrats on your health Grum! Me thinks good health is more important than anything else!

                          And yea... I drink soy mike EVERYRDAY! LOL.

                          I glass of mike + 1 glass of soy milk. Dunno if that's too much

                          I actually like soy milk. The next thing I need to work on is sleep earlier by getting hw done faster


                          • #14
                            Glad to hear your feeling much better. I need to exercise more than I do also.


                            • #15
                              We should have a MURC weight-loss clinic. See if we can drop, say 100 lbs collectively by the end of the year.
                              --Insert something here--

