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Some GOOD news about breast cancer

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  • Some GOOD news about breast cancer

    TORONTO - A major Canadian-led study has been stopped early because the drug being tested showed "striking" results in preventing breast cancer survivors from having a recurrence.
    Very good news on the breast cancer front. Maybe not earth-shattering, but good enough for me.

  • #2
    this is good news... thanx .. i will be relaying this info to someone i know.....
    "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


    • #3
      great news


      • #4
        This is kinda important for me too 'cause my mother has (had) breast cancer too... Her trouble is that she's not "post-menopausal" but instead is in it - and because breast cancer feeds on estrogen she can't take any of those estrogen pills that normally help overcoming the symptoms associated with menopause. As a result, she sleeps like 2-3 hours/night and is having all these strange headaches and whatnot... I frankly can't understand how she can cope with it. That's why I like to see advancements in this era of research, I hope it will help her and help other people to avoid experiencing the kind thing that she's in.


        • #5
          Hmmm... my mother had liver cancer (size of an orange), and cured it by herself. She believes macrobiotic food and some mistle extract helped her. I honestly don't know, but I do know the best doctors here gave her three months 15 years ago, she was operated twice (no result, too many metastases), and she still lives - actively! - and the cancer and all metastases are gone, completely!

          Cancer is a lot about not giving up, it has a lot to do with the psyche. Give her strength!

          There's an Opera in my macbook.


          • #6
            hmm... no mention of fellatio... not sure if i buy it..
            The Welsh support two teams when it comes to rugby. Wales of course, and anyone else playing England


            • #7
              Originally posted by az
              ...and some mistle extract...
              Actually those mistle drugs are very inhomogeneous regarding their mixture. Mistle is a parasite and needs other plants to grow on there is a difference between mistles growing on different trees (apple,...), still they're mostly randomly mixed.

              Those mistle drugs are NOT scientifically tested in any way by the manufacturers, and the only scientific tests done show no profit and in a lot of cases even drastic adverse effects. For example in a recent study using mistle on melanoma patients the treatment-tree with mistle had to be closed very early because of statistically significant tumor progress and much more patients dying on cerebral metastases!

              In subclinic tests with cell-populations those effects of mistle have been reproduced, causing a significantly higher proliferation rate in tumor-cells than in untreated control groups via the release of interleukines.

              So please, please watch out. There are lots of people out there trying to make profit on desperate tumor patients
              But we named the *dog* Indiana...
              My System
              2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
              German ATI-forum


              • #8
                I am very very sceptical (nearly made a typo and wrote "septical" ) of that stuff, Indiana, but:

                My mother had MOST SEVERE liver cancer. ALL doctors (many!) gave her three months at best. The tumor REALLY was the size of an orange, with many metastases. She was operated once, but nothing could be done. She tried to get operated again, but everybody refused to, because it would make no sense. Finally, some very highly regarded surgeon agreed and she was cut open a second time. Again, nothing could be done. But she never lost her will to live, and started "unusual" therapies (Macrobiotic food, and mistle injections). The cancer went away. Now, fifteen years later, it has still not come back. Her liver is damaged, but she leads a fairly normal life again (though her immune system is weaker now).

                She claims the mistle extract help her wrestle down the cancer.

                I think it was her will to live, and that she believed the mistle would help her (placebo effect, if you so will), mostly. Yet still, you and I both know "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." We know medicine is not perfect yet, and every day we find new cures, many of which are found in plants.

                There's an Opera in my macbook.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by az

                  I think it was her will to live, and that she believed the mistle would help her (placebo effect, if you so will), mostly. Yet still, you and I both know "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." We know medicine is not perfect yet, and every day we find new cures, many of which are found in plants.
                  I have nothing at all against "placebos". BUT the results of tests actually show mistle extract to be dangerous - and the mechanism on WHY it can support tumor-growth is even understood (via the release of interleukines).

                  The will to live is in my experience a really important factor especially in some of the less aggressive tumors - I've often seen before quite stable tumor diseases suddenly explode after the patient had given up.

                  I'm not against using "natural" drugs, either - but again I have to mention a point that seems to be overseen by many people: natural substances are not free from unwanted adverse side-effects or intoxications. Some of the strongest toxines are natural - take aflatoxine, the poison of mould for example, this is the strongest cancerogenous stuff known.
                  "Natural" does not equal "good" nor "bad", it's just natural witout any value judgement.
                  Last edited by Indiana; 11 October 2003, 19:35.
                  But we named the *dog* Indiana...
                  My System
                  2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
                  German ATI-forum


                  • #10
                    Easy there Indiana. He's talking about Iscador that is prepared at a very highly respected clinic in Arlesheim near Basel. Iscador saved my life and that of many people I know and I have sent many people to Lukas Klinik where their lives have been changed. Not everybody responses to the treatment there, but that is true of any treatment for any disease. The main problem is that people usually wait 'til the last minute to seek treatment.
                    How can you possibly take anything seriously?
                    Who cares?

