No one is doubting that the ozone hole exists or that it fluctuates or that flurocarbons have an effect on it. The question is to what degree in proportion to all the other factors, especially those like the current....and activity and terrestrial gravity fields not to mention the magnetic field anomalies.
The atmosphere does change drastically during CME's and we are dealing with ions when we're talking about ozone, so to say the hole isn't affected by huge influxes of protons, alpha particles and other energetic particles does sound a bit suspect.
To also say that in the presence of these mostly short-term changes you can be 98% sure of what's going on, especially when the ozone hole phenomenon itself was only discovered in the early 1980's, is also a bit iffy.
To be honest about it I'm suspicious when anyone says their 98% sure of anything, and when it's a committee saying it that's even worse.
Dr. Mordrid
The atmosphere does change drastically during CME's and we are dealing with ions when we're talking about ozone, so to say the hole isn't affected by huge influxes of protons, alpha particles and other energetic particles does sound a bit suspect.
To also say that in the presence of these mostly short-term changes you can be 98% sure of what's going on, especially when the ozone hole phenomenon itself was only discovered in the early 1980's, is also a bit iffy.
To be honest about it I'm suspicious when anyone says their 98% sure of anything, and when it's a committee saying it that's even worse.
Dr. Mordrid