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Who's going to die in the next 12 months?

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  • Who's going to die in the next 12 months?

    You get to choose 10 people, and you get 1 point for each year they are under 100. The person with the most points at the end of the year wins.

    Eg - choose the Queen Mother and you would have got -1 point, choose Britney Spears and it would be more like 80 points but thats not very likely. You can choose anybody, but preferably someone known publicly.

    I'm still thinking of my list - will post it later.


    PS Yes it is a bit sick, but it wasn't my idea - honest! I have to stump up £10 to take part in a local one - I could win £200-300 in a year.

  • #2
    You mean "Let's have a MURC Dead Pool"?
    DM says: Crunch with Matrox


    • #3
      I didn't realise how popular these things were. looks pretty big, and even has novdid's avatar on there!

      Yeah - post your lists and I'll keep a track. The winner wins the honour of winning



      • #4
        All right, here's my list:

        1. Elizabeth Taylor - toxic shock syndrome
        2. Ronald Reagan - old age
        3. The Pope - old age
        4. Nick Nolte - car or bike accident
        5. Saddam Hussein - heart attack
        6. David Letterman - heart attack
        7. Ozzy Osbourne - complications from a fall down steps.
        8. Janet Jackson - overdose
        9. Keith Richards - dies in sleep from natural?? causes
        10. Bobby Kneivel - bike accident

        and Kenny from South Park - impaled by a pointy stick

        Edited to add method of demise.
        Last edited by gt40; 17 December 2003, 07:17.
        Yeah, well I'm gonna build my own lunar space lander! With blackjack aaaaannd Hookers! Actually, forget the space lander, and the blackjack. Ahhhh forget the whole thing!


        • #5
          Hmmm do you want methods of demise as well?
          DM says: Crunch with Matrox


          • #6
            Originally posted by GNEP
            Hmmm do you want methods of demise as well?
            Sure - you win extra winning honour if you get that right too.


            • #7
              Here's mine:

              1. Beckham, David - suicide (when Posh is caught shagging the dustbin man)
              2. Benn, Anthony Wedgewood - old age
              3. Bin Laden, Osama - something involving explosions and bullets
              4. Blair, Tony - heart attack
              5. Brown, Gordon - surprise
              6. Davro, Bobby - cirrhosis of the liver
              7. Hussein, Saddam - lethal injection (actually this will probably not be until 2005 at least)
              8. McDonald, Ronald - re-allocation of marketing budget
              9. Thatcher, Margaret - accidental poisoning after mistaking mould for custard powder
              10. Wonder, Stevie - car crash (yes, he will be driving)
              DM says: Crunch with Matrox


              • #8
                The 10 oldest inhabitants of death row, TX - lethal injection

                Edit: By oldest, I don't mean in age but who have been there longest
                Brian (the devil incarnate)


                • #9
                  I'm not gonna join this one. It feels like cheating in a way for me...



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by J1NG
                    I'm not gonna join this one. It feels like cheating in a way for me...

                    Hehe. You could always enter by email rather than on here and I'll reveal your accuracy next year


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Brian Ellis
                      The 10 oldest inhabitants of death row, TX - lethal injection

                      Edit: By oldest, I don't mean in age but who have been there longest
                      Alright, if you're gonna be that way, I pick the 10 most severely ill premature babies born in third-world nations over the next 12 months.

                      OK gimme my 1000 points now.. I won.

                      Sick, yes, I know.


                      • #12
                        LOL @ KvH - but they're not relatively well-known and individually identifieable (ie I bet you couldn't tell me their names no matter how much research you did on the internet)
                        DM says: Crunch with Matrox


                        • #13
                          Would it count if I found 10 women whose viable embryos were destroyed with the morning-after pill over the next 12 months? maximum points! 1010!


                          • #14
                            1) Millions dying of aids.
                            2) Millions dying of starvation.
                            3) Combination of the above.
                            Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
                            Weather nut and sad git.

                            My Weather Page

