Having just finished a delicious luncheon snack of grilled kidney and mushrooms on toast, I was reminded of a BBC radio announcement that the sale of offal (tripe, liver, kidneys and heart) has fallen in the UK by 80% over the last 25 years. For me, this seems a wasteful pity, as well-prepared offal can be extremely tasty. It is still highly valued on the Continent (calf's liver is almost as costly as beef fillet, when you can get it).
Apparently, in the UK, it is mainly the older people that buy it.
In this country, the butchers give it away, free of charge (except for lamb's liver), to their regular customers. For this reason, I give it to the dog as well as ourselves.
I know that in the USA offal (I think it is called fancy meats, there) is looked on almost with disgust by some of my friends.
Which would you eat (assuming it is well prepared)?
Apparently, in the UK, it is mainly the older people that buy it.
In this country, the butchers give it away, free of charge (except for lamb's liver), to their regular customers. For this reason, I give it to the dog as well as ourselves.
I know that in the USA offal (I think it is called fancy meats, there) is looked on almost with disgust by some of my friends.
Which would you eat (assuming it is well prepared)?