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  • #16
    I am, what I like to term, musicly inapt.

    Funny this post came when it did as I was just talking about this with a new friend. He just finished scoring a movie and was showing me some of his work. He asked me what I play and I had to admit I can't carry a tune in a bag. I am one of the few in my group of friends that can't play music unless you count pushing play.

    -We stop learning when We die, and some
    people just don't know They're dead yet!

    Member of the COC!
    Minister of Confused Knightly Defence (MCKD)

    Food for thought...
    - Remember when naps were a bad thing?
    - Remember 3 is the magic number....


    • #17
      Well, I have an electric guitar (Yamaha Pacifica 112 and a Marshall amplifier), but had to stop learning to play it because of juvenile rheumatic artritis...

      It is now sitting in there in a corner (sort of a memory to 'impossible dreams'), I just don't have the heart to sell it...

      So, now I play CDs (Onkyo Integera 9711 amplifier, Onkyo Integra 7711 cd player, Onkyo Integra 4711 tuner, Quadral Argent 70)...

      Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


      • #18
        Wow VJ Nice sound system. I want!

        Myself. Play Keyboard (Yamaha PSR4000), Trumpet. Stopped the Trumpet, because my own saliva prooved to be allergic against me


        JVC MX-S6MDR

        wish to own: Musical Fidelity CD Pre 24/M250 x4 (5,400 British Pounds)


        • #19
          Hey, I've got two Pacificas (312 and 912J)....

          I don't have any kind of home recording setup, I'm not creative enough

          I friend of mine does quite a bit of home recording though. From memory, he uses a Midiman Delta (66 I think), a couple of really nice Mackie monitors he got on special, a Mackie mixer, and a whole bunch of rack equipment, of which I can only recall a Digitech Studio 4 (or Quad, or whatever it's called). Software-wise, some version of Cubase.
          Blah blah blah nick blah blah confusion, blah blah blah blah frog.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Ribbit
            Mackie monitors he got on special, a Mackie mixer

            ahhhh... droool... those parts i crave..... at the studio that is owned by my mothers husband we have a mackie 32:8 consol.... and a cuple of fostecs multitracers... mackie makes some of the best consols and reference monitors IMO...... they are sweet, smooth and more compact than the other big players....

            (i used to work at that studio back in the days when we where recording for the variious rock groups in leb.... then business whent bad and he had to resort to recording music, anthems and religious crap for the islamic comunity.... thats when i bailed out... too mutch of a headach working with a group of people who always argue about the price and things they know nothing about.... including the crap that they call music... )

            since 1998 i've been working solo from home though i lack lots of good equipment and sound isolation... work done at my place has been compared with some of the better equiped places around here.... mainly beacuse sudenly everbody thought they know how to do sound... but also beacuse i am good at what i do (i am a perfectionist) .... only problem.... 90% of the work i have done was pro bono
            "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


            • #21
              lol, i feel low tech.

              I play the piano and precussion... nothing more

