Which of these forms of facial fungus do you sport? (Inspired by Liz's photo thread)
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For men only
Well, women could still vote for other areas...
I like to believe mine's trimmed, but most of the time, it isn't (thanks to asian roots, that's not as big a problem as sasq would have if he shaved as 'often' as I do).
The picture that JW posted of me and him was taken about 4pm, I had shaved that morning. If I'm going out to dinner at night, I do need to shave again.
I shave every work morning, on weekends and holidays I avoid it where possible.Juu nin to iro
English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.
I have a baby face...I get stumble after a couple of days. I used to only have to shave once a week. Now to be nice I shave every second day since I will never be able to grow a even beard or a mustache. I can probably get away by just shaving my sideburns and the bottom of my chin.