As the founder of the MURC COC i hearby invite all MURC COC Ministers, Members and would be members to atend our first COC confernce at #murc
on the agenda and in no particular order;
1. Voting new president in forgot who our curent one is
2. discousing and seting our misson of perpous do we have one
3. spreading the confusion all around
4. seminar on; understanding the spiral principal (one of my favourits)
5. all sorts of other things including the initiation of new members
virtual beer
more confusion
and cheat codes for lineage2 to be found in #murc ONLY
now... you may post your coments in here but the actual stuff will happen in #murc... minuts will be posted later
see ya there
oh and just in case you are as confused about your status as i am here are a few pointers
from my previous sig
Smile when asked to or else
Member of The MURC Club of Confusion I am a COCer?!?
MURC COC Ministries
see ya there folks
on the agenda and in no particular order;
1. Voting new president in forgot who our curent one is
2. discousing and seting our misson of perpous do we have one
3. spreading the confusion all around
4. seminar on; understanding the spiral principal (one of my favourits)
5. all sorts of other things including the initiation of new members
virtual beer
more confusion
and cheat codes for lineage2 to be found in #murc ONLY
now... you may post your coments in here but the actual stuff will happen in #murc... minuts will be posted later
see ya there
oh and just in case you are as confused about your status as i am here are a few pointers
from my previous sig
Smile when asked to or else
Member of The MURC Club of Confusion I am a COCer?!?
MURC COC Ministries
see ya there folks