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Koenigsegg breaks own record (for Guchi ?)

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  • #16
    Not jealous.. pissed off.

    True, things could always be worse.. but is that really the way to look at it? Things could be better, too...


    • #17
      well if u think like that: why dont make it better? instead of complaining...


      • #18
        because democracy is a sham.. only people with money have power.. that's how things got this way.


        • #19
          So get yourself more power
          Work-Box:P4C3.0GHz; DFI LAN Party875Pro, GeiL Golden Dragon 512MB PC3500 DDRAM, ==>>PARHELIA 128+ZALMAN HEATPIPE MOD<<==, 2 x WD360 Raptor 36Gig RAID 0, MAXTOR 6Y080L0 80Gig, Plextor PX-W4824A, Toshiba SD-M1612, 2x BenQ FP767 17"TFT

          MEDIA-BOX:P4C3,2GHz; ASUS P4P800 Deluxe, GeiL Golden Dragon 512MB PC4000 DDRAM, Radeon9800XT, 2xHitachi HDS722512-VLSA80; RAID0, Plextor PX-116A, PX-708A, Plextor Premium/T3B


          • #20
            work hard KvH! tahts all we can do!


            • #21
              Guchi, he may be jealous, but he's RIGHT. 100 percent right (and I don't mean his political leaning now).

              There's an Opera in my macbook.


              • #22
                Originally posted by KvHagedorn
                because democracy is a sham.. only people with money have power.. that's how things got this way.
                I understand how you feel. Been living in that kind of society all my life and it's getting pretty bad.

                Why pay a canadian (or american) 7$/hour when you can get some chinaman and pay him a few dollars a day to do the same job? Let's take advantage of the poor, making sure that they STAY poor by paying them practically nothing so we can rake in the MASSIVE profits and buy useless crap like a 1 000 000$ car just because I'm rich! No one stops to use their money to try a better our society, they use it to better their OWN lives and no one else's. It's always been like this and I doubt that things will change anytime soon. Oh, and if your not rich, basically your a nobody, just another slave worker for the rich.

                The problem is that no one cares anymore...
                Titanium is the new bling!
                (you heard from me first!)


                • #23
                  The reason not to do that is that only the extremely wealthy and the corporations benefit.

                  As for the middle class, it dissapears entirely and you have a return to 19th century industrialism...

                  Things should remain OK in the EU, soon as they realize what they're losing...
                  Let us return to the moon, to stay!!!


                  • #24
                    whats all this got to do with cars?
                    Sure the world is screwed, the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. Which boat will you choose?


                    • #25
                      If you are poor and pissed off, it's which (or whose) boat do you choose to blow up?

                      This level of greed will result in things getting very very ugly here. You simply cannot have a society with a lot of intelligent, well educated people who are simply thrown away by the extremely rich. If I was Donald Trump, I certainly would not be doing the TV show he is doing.. it exposes him as the callous, hateful, ****ole he is, to whom covering his penthouse walls in the most expensive Italian marble is more important than paying people a living wage. He becomes the face of excess in a sea of want.. the same position Marie Antoinette or the Tsar held in ages past. There will be a point at which people of every stripe will not stand for this anymore, whether it be a textile worker put out of work or a programmer who is not only fired, but required to train his replacement who was moved here from India because he would work for minimum wage.

                      Serious things need to be done here.


                      • #26
                        Guchi, it's got this to do with cars:

                        If you have a million Euros to spend on a car, you obviously have too much money, which other people could use well to feed their families. The fact that there is even a market for those kinds of toys is a symptome of a seriously screwed up world.

                        And about your last two sentences, "Sure the world is screwed, the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. Which boat will you choose?"... Are you this naive/stupid, or are you just very arrogant? Do you honestly believe poor people CHOSE to be poor?

                        There's an Opera in my macbook.


                        • #27
                          And inevitably there will be 100,000 very poor people for every very rich person, with perhaps a few doctors making only 20x as much as those average poor people, if indeed they still have jobs. And how long do you think this will last? The economy will collapse, because you will either buy a $1,000,000 gem encrusted doodad or a $0.99 cheap plastic one made in China, and there will be no room in between for simple decent quality products, because there will be no middle class anymore. Eventually there will be civil war, and the rich will fare as the French nobility fared in the 1790s. So why would I want to be rich and murdered?

                          Already, this generation has been trained to shop at only huge corporate chain stores and restaurants, and shun the small local business with no national advertising budget. So on a very large scale, wealth is being funneled to those who already have it, while relegating everyone else into depending upon the megacorps for jobs. This will give one way up and out of poverty: Asskissing. Our grand laissez-faire Darwinian madhouse will selectively choose people for survival based on their abilities to bullshit and kiss ass. This has been happening for the past 40 years, though.. so we should be getting used to it by now, very slowly slumping into this economic hell.

                          Why is this happening? What will I say? Can you guess yet? Will you be utterly offended and yet unable to counter my arguments again? Yep, you guessed it.. multiculturalism is screwing us royally. There is no sense of community or commonality in the US because there is no single cultural/ethnic group which is allowed to dominate. Every point of view is valid in this madness, and so no common view can emerge and any common cause is shunned. This is actually promoted by politicians, because they can easily divide and conquer in this way. No commonality means no united opposition to the horrid, inherently corrupt status quo. No common values except for greed allows this runaway laissez-faire madness to crush everyone but the mega-rich. This is a gradual process, though. I truly think the sort of nightmare we view the worlds of Bladerunner and Minority Report as being is exactly how someone from the 60s would view the present day. You must objectively look at the trends.. things are getting worse in other ways, too. Responsible people have fewer children because they can't afford to support them, but immigrants and welfare mom types are in no such way encumbered and these are the people producing the future generations. We in the US are in the midst of a great decline, and will be in the same boat as Latin America before you know it.


                          • #28
                            Ah.. another thing is causing this skewing of values: megacorps themselves. They expect people to uproot and move all the time, and the very idea of friendship and community becomes atrophied. This is by design. The average American moves 40 times in his life, while the average European moves only twice. No sense of community means no one knows about that small business anymore, and the megacorps with their national advertising can capture all the mindshare.


                            • #29
                              Kv You make a really strong case - I agree with your assertion on the megacorp. I dont agree with thte multiculturalism observaton.

                              We are brainwashed by big company advertising. I understand where you come from. Coke is good.

                              I can see that in some areas, as our 'civilisation' moves into increasing specialisation, that there has to be a place for the megacorp - without it there is nowhere for the extreme engenieering to happen (in processors, autos we expect today, supertankers, aircraft). Without the megacorp so much of our civilisation would be unthinkable (you could not have a back street Intel or Macdonald Douglas). When that megacorp moves into directly supplying the individual - we have a problem. Unfortunately, thats where the margin is.

                              Come the revolution, I will probably be first against the wall. Because I am middle class.

                              One opf the good things here (an even more developed ion some parts of europe) is the idea that city centres are not full of cloned shops. Sure there are some around, but we just dont have Walmart or sears to the extent you have in the US. Our city centres and retail areas have a much higher ratio of independents... - of course our basic gods are then more expensive.....

                              There are relatively few 'malls' (except in the UK were there are quite a few). Independents are simply not welcome in high rental malls. When you have a sucessful mall ANYWHERE, you will find that there are few (if any) independents... Thats intentional - the mall managers want long lease, safe bet 'anchor sites'. High profile chains advertise for the whole mall - far more than the mall could do in its own right. The independents are pushed off prime sites first (they might have got in when the mall was being built, but they dont stay long). Then pushed out (through raising rents) as time moves on.

                              I hate malls

                              Last edited by RedRed; 29 March 2004, 02:47.
                              Dont just swallow the blue pill.


                              • #30
                                Az: You live in a good country. You have good chances of becoming financially indepenedent. Will you seize that chance or will you just bum around? That's what I mean by that.
                                Its not poor peoples fault that they are poor sometimes. eg being born in a poor country with little or no education facilities. consider yourself damn lucky dude. and if you don't like how it works, why don't you do something about it?

                                and Az: doesnt have to be a car? How about a 10 million dollar house? a heavy 100 grand watch? a 100 carat diamond ring? etc.

