my friend and I ..... and we where board as hell.... hod no one to call or go to as everyone was out of town.... from 5-7pm we got really depresed... then a blinding flash of light hit us and we decided to shoot a film that very night... we called in 2 other friends (male and female) and we came up with an idea... by 12 midnight we started shooting... 3 males and 2 females in a toyota packed with equipment from lightkits to jib arms and cameras.... we shoot our first shot in a night club then whent back home to shoot the interior scenes.... at around 5am we cought the magic hour at the beach and shot our befor last scene there befor going back home for the final shot......
result footage is unbelivably great..... started editing sunday.... havent finished yet... it should end up being between 5 to 7 min.... will be doing the music my self... all Digital Art is done.....
but i would have finished the film yesterday had my darned mother board not died out on me yesterday... had to dish out $400 to get a new one with 1gb of DDR 400 RAM.... (had an I850MV2... ie, RDRAM and non of those are in stock here any more)
any way..... i think it should be done by friday with the music and all...
result footage is unbelivably great..... started editing sunday.... havent finished yet... it should end up being between 5 to 7 min.... will be doing the music my self... all Digital Art is done.....
but i would have finished the film yesterday had my darned mother board not died out on me yesterday... had to dish out $400 to get a new one with 1gb of DDR 400 RAM.... (had an I850MV2... ie, RDRAM and non of those are in stock here any more)
any way..... i think it should be done by friday with the music and all...