Yes the highways division in our city is run by a bunch of useless Brainless pricks. Even having to listen to the PC road safety rubbish at half time the other weekend during a football match didn't piss me off too much. In case you didn't know it was all the drivers fault not a single mention of parents teaching the kids basic road safety. Our dead cat got more road sense than most 14 year olds and I had more when I was four.
Anyway in the local rag, news paper it says the local area is facing a huge multi million pound road repair problem. No you don't say. Strangley our council isn't aware of any road problems.
You what!!!!
Every main road has large cracks running across it pot holes some a foot across and several inches deap are common place. Poorly done road repairs are sinking so you got depressions.
On minor roads in some cases the road is getting down to the old cobbles. The road outside our house has worn down to the surface it had in the seventies even the old white lines are coming back. Plus a manhole covers frame has come lose and this clunks every other second. I just reported it.
The only thing this council is interested in is speed humps and preventing cars from using Sheffield. Theres only two main routes into Sheffield from the south and guess what? One of them they're narrowing. Not even a bus can get through as theres no longer an option to extend the bus lane.
Clueless bunch of ****oles that'll ruin this city and then wonder why Business has moved to places like Leeds.
Anyway in the local rag, news paper it says the local area is facing a huge multi million pound road repair problem. No you don't say. Strangley our council isn't aware of any road problems.
You what!!!!
Every main road has large cracks running across it pot holes some a foot across and several inches deap are common place. Poorly done road repairs are sinking so you got depressions.
On minor roads in some cases the road is getting down to the old cobbles. The road outside our house has worn down to the surface it had in the seventies even the old white lines are coming back. Plus a manhole covers frame has come lose and this clunks every other second. I just reported it.
The only thing this council is interested in is speed humps and preventing cars from using Sheffield. Theres only two main routes into Sheffield from the south and guess what? One of them they're narrowing. Not even a bus can get through as theres no longer an option to extend the bus lane.
Clueless bunch of ****oles that'll ruin this city and then wonder why Business has moved to places like Leeds.