From a car-related web site:
"I've got a 96 Camry V6 LE with about 108,000 miles on it, major servicing at 102,000, and it's been acting up lately...the engine has been making a funny noise, really hard to describe, but its pitch goes up as I rev the engine higher. The other day, I had the car sitting in park for about 10 minutes, then when I shifted it into drive, it just rolled backwards slowly as if it were in neutral. I pressed the gas, but it just moved freely and did nothing. The brakes and the steering wheel were locked up as well. I shifted it back into park, turned off the engine, re-started the car, and everything worked fine. My first thought was that it was a transmission problem and that the transmission had failed to engage, but it could be anything, really. It's just weird that I could be in any gear, and the gas pedal would do absolutely nothing. Any ideas on what the problem could be?"
"I've got a 96 Camry V6 LE with about 108,000 miles on it, major servicing at 102,000, and it's been acting up lately...the engine has been making a funny noise, really hard to describe, but its pitch goes up as I rev the engine higher. The other day, I had the car sitting in park for about 10 minutes, then when I shifted it into drive, it just rolled backwards slowly as if it were in neutral. I pressed the gas, but it just moved freely and did nothing. The brakes and the steering wheel were locked up as well. I shifted it back into park, turned off the engine, re-started the car, and everything worked fine. My first thought was that it was a transmission problem and that the transmission had failed to engage, but it could be anything, really. It's just weird that I could be in any gear, and the gas pedal would do absolutely nothing. Any ideas on what the problem could be?"