Noone hurt.... retuning from my Easter break.... had a bit of a prang.....
This was a Renault Laguna.....

[01:57] dZeus> did you hit a pole of some sorts?
[01:58] dZeus> or the back of a car under an angle?
[01:58] dZeus> large car by the looks of it
[01:59] RedRed> I hit a Transit van with a tow bar
[01:59] Technoid> well that explaines most of it

[02:00] dZeus> ah I see
[02:00] dZeus> not the best car to drive into
[02:00] RedRed> The Transit then hit a Citroen Van
[02:00] RedRed> the citroen got its dash stopped by a BMW 5 series
[02:00] Technoid> well, you found something worse than one of those damn monsters with boombars
[02:00] dZeus> ouch.. sounds like an expensive crash indeed
[02:01] RedRed> A passing Mazda Xedos 6 managed to slow down the BMW
[02:01] RedRed> ..... that was about it

edited by request of RedRed