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Dumb Ass
Dumb Ass
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Should see me eat a double Whopper from Burger King while driving with one hand!... heck I always drive with one hand... right one is normally on the stick (don't get all funny on me now... I use the left one for that"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss
"Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain
i once ate spaghetti (with a fork) on the interstate on the way to work once. it was only about 5-10 miles of driving...."And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz
Originally posted by RhinoZ
I once saw a driver read a book, opened on his steering wheel doing 120km/h on a highway.
Often see people reading books or maps while driving. Should be instant ban.
A while ago, a guy behind me at the red light was shaving
(with an electric razor), pretty funny sight.
Still, I have never understood why legislation prohibiting
the use of cell phones is needed: there is a law that
states you can't do anything that might distract you (just
like this ice-cream thing), so a cell phone is
already prohibited under that law...Perhaps to
be able to provide other fines?
In Belgium, non-handsfree use of a cell phone is forbidden
(quite high fines too), but when you look at the people in
their cars, you'd think it is allowed.
I just don't understand why people do such things: you seem
them driving with their phone in one hand, trying to shift
gear and steer at the same time (I doubt any of them still
uses indicators), even in cities! Don't they feel that
they are incapable of reacting if anything should
Now you see why such legislation is needed: People don't even see they're doing something wrong even with direct laws against cell phone use.
Strictly speaking, you are not allowed to adjust your radio here, either. I think taking your hand off the steering wheel to change gear is just tolerated. CYP 50 (USD 95, GBP 55) fine for cell phone use etc., but that doesn't stop them. A year or two ago, they tried to introduce a smoking ban in cars as well, but this failed because a CYP 1,000 fine was attached (more than an average month's income).Brian (the devil incarnate)
The flipside of it is that even with laws in general people will do as they please and as time goes by the reasoning behind ticket becomes less an issue of safety and more a need to generate cash. Once the system becomes dependant on one and can't generate additional dollars for their ever growing budgets, they create new laws under the same guise and the cycle repeates.
Kinda like no passing/driving by stopped school buses... earlier this year on the US National School Bus Safety Week our non communicative undercover cop found it neccessary to, not once but twice backout of his driveway infront of a school bus and continue on his merry way... not even bothering to stop and the stop sign on the corner and not take the roadway to the next street over but to cut through a parking lot... it's things like that which happen daily that adds to why people in general just don't give a flip about the laws."Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss
"Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain