ok it started this morning with one of my Disk ari drives going kaput... lots of footage om the ari..... fine... i managed to stabalise the system to get the data off but to do that i had to order 2 new drives... 2x120GB seagates.... total of $250.... fine... i have $100 cash... so it was off to the ATM to get the remaining $150... and what do you know... the damnd machie decieds not to give me the moeny... off to the bank to see whats up... the machine has taken the money for it self and now i am going back and forth between two banks to get my claim through...... it will take some time and i hope they reimburse me.... fine... got ahold of my mom and borowed the $150 from her.... now i am just waiting for the drives to come..... OH and BTW i have a project due tomorow...... its a good thing i took this project on for some cash instead of my usual "oh no i'll do it for free" style of doing things.... buut now i wont be able to buy my wife the gift i wanted to get for her birthday...... AHHHHH..... somehow i feel this day is not over yet.......
No announcement yet.
wierd Day.....
well i would like you to know that may day has not yet ended.......
my mobile phone just conked out on me... when i finaly got it working again my boss called and she was pissed because my phone was off... had to get to workplace as fast as posible.... and i was in the midle of closing a freelance deal......
then just as soon as i thought things had calmed down i get a call from my wife telling me she had a car accident... she is fine.. but i have no idea about the car... just that someone rearended her... his fualt....
i am still calm about the whole mater but i feer that i havent seen the worst yet.......
BRING IT ON.........
"They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"
Originally posted by cjolley
IQ test:
ATM is to money
as D____ is to water
now i have no idea by what logic you are relating Dyslexia to water... but you see had you writen
ATM is to money
as D____ is to smirnoff
i might see your point..... i need a drink.... NOW.....
BAR TENDER"They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"
Spiral if I had a day like that I'd have gone back to bed.
nop... still up and going..... my boss decided that i should supervise a trublsome assistant while she took off... still at work... waiting for the clock to hit 5.... maybe then i get to go home and back to bed...ah its been a long 2 days....
"They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"