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Who are you?

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  • Who are you?

    In this thread I had promised to participate at a later date. I just tried to do that now only to discover that I can't post in the soapbox anymore

    So here goes

    Name: Friedrich Markgraf (and two middle names I won't tell)
    Fav Food: Depends on the mood, but rare steak, lamb... I eat too much
    Siblings: One sister, 20 (OMG time flies! She was a little girl just yesterday, now she's a woman!)
    Age: Constantly changing, 22 at the moment.
    Location: Bielefeld, Germany (I do come from Berlin though, and I miss it. And I won't shut up about it!)
    Parents: Günter and Jung-Sook
    I am: Half german, half korean (but I don't speak a word korean, and I feel very german, though I don't look it. Many people think I am a turk.)
    I work as: Intern at an electronic engineer's circuit design small business, hope to start studying this summer.
    fav band: Not really, lots of music from lots of bands
    fav movie: ditto.
    pets: None, but I love cats.
    House colour: No house but from the inside it is <span style="background-color:white;">white</span>, <span style="background-color:#fff8dc;">cornsilk</span>, <span style="background-color:#f5f5f5;">whitesmoke</span>, <span style="background-color:#98FB98;">palegreen</span>, <span style="background-color:#006400;">darkgreen</span>, <span style="background-color:#ff8c00;">orange</span> <span style="background-color:#ffcc00;">in</span> <span style="background-color:#ffcc33;">various</span> <span style="background-color:#ffdd88;">shades</span>, and <span style="background-color:#dda0dd;">plum</span> (And no, I didn't make these colors up, those are X11/netscape color names. We mixed them ourselves before we knew what they were called )
    Goal: I don't know; to become inherently happy I guess, and a good person.
    Have had: about enough.
    Haven't had: something witty for "Have had"

    Did I miss something?

    And who are you? Please post some info, or update old info for us

    Last edited by az; 13 July 2004, 01:10.
    There's an Opera in my macbook.

  • #2
    Name: Denis A.
    Fav Food: Sushi, man I love that stuff. (I'm not fussy about food at all, but nothing beets sushi, dim-sum is a close second)
    Siblings: Older sister (27) and two half-brothers (don't know their ages, haven't seen them in forever).
    Age: 25
    Location: Downtown Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec. My roomate and I found this wicked nice apartement, I love it.
    Parents: Yes, two of them, hehe. Maurice and Aline.
    I am: Canadian!!! (french ancestors, but I learned both english and french at the same time, which happen to be the 2 official languages of my country)
    I work as: Tech Support for a cable tv/internet company, bleh. (starting to get enough of tech support)
    fav band: Foo Fighters!!! Gawddam that's some good music.
    fav movie: HACKERS!!!
    pets: Nope.
    Goal: Goal?? Oh yeah, gotta have goals in life. Current goal, pay off credit cards and to find myself a girlfriend.
    Have had: Much luck in life despite the many downs.
    Haven't had: Much luck with my love life though.
    Titanium is the new bling!
    (you heard from me first!)


    • #3
      Full name: Kam Wah Yi Jing Fung
      Fav food: Sweet & Sour "anything"
      Siblings: One older brother
      Age: 23
      Location: London, United Kingdom
      Parents: Not saying.
      I am: Chinese
      I work as: (Currently) Unemployed.
      Pets: None.
      Favorite piece of clothing: Shirts
      Favorite Band: Uh, don't listen much to music
      Favorite Movie: Probably Star Wars
      House Color: Uh... (looks out window), I think it's red/brown bricks...
      Goal: Get through life with as little bad events as possible.
      Have Had: People ask (no, pester) me to do Feng Shui/Fortune Readings...
      Havent Had: a good chance to ask someone out yet...

      Last edited by J1NG; 13 July 2004, 08:21.


      • #4
        So here goes

        Name: Steven
        Fav Food: Salmon Bistro Burger from Red Robin
        Siblings: One sister, 30
        Age: 28
        Location: Ferndale, MD (Near Glen Burnie, South/Southwest of Baltimore)
        Parents: Two.
        I am: A mutt. (Some Polish, some Irish, some German) - An American
        I work as: Network Engineer at a Mortgage broker.
        fav artist: Alanis Morisette.
        fav movie: Currently Matrix Revolutions.
        pets: Two mixed dogs.
        House colour: Yellow.
        Goal: Make more than enough money and to have a small family with 2.5 kids. Have a hell of a lot of fun at Dragoncon (Get plenty of pictures. )
        Have had: way too much salad lately.
        Haven't had: Enough money.

        Added some stuff.
        Last edited by High_Jumbllama; 13 July 2004, 19:57.


        • #5
          Name: Stephen Wille Padnos (formerly Stephen Padnos, but we both changed when we got married)
          Favorite Food: Sushi, Baby. Or spicy stuff. Or good steak, prime rib, etc. OK - food is my favorite.
          Siblings: Three older sisters.
          Age: 35.926027-ish
          Location: Essex Junction, VT.
          Parents: Absolutely. Norman and Barbara.
          I am: therefore I think.
          I work as: Independent programmer (and electrical engineer when customers are desperate).
          favorite band: Non-pop, non-disco, non-country bands
          favorite movie: Hard to tell, but Highlander is right up there.
          pets: One black cat - Olliver
          Goal: Survive the great depression of 2004
          Haven't had: a winning lottery ticket.

          - Steve


          • #6
            Re: Who are you?

            Name: Thien Nguyen
            Fav Food: I like a lot of food, but the thing I make the best is Oyaku Donburi, so I'll go with that as favorite.
            Siblings: One sister, one brother
            Age: 21
            Location: Oregon, USA
            Parents: Mom and Dad
            I am: All Viet, but several Asians think I'm Japanese.
            I work as: A student doing admin work on a University lab. Also doing game development projects on my own.
            fav band: Machinae Supremacy, but I listen to all sorts of music.
            fav movie: Fear of a Black Hat
            *fav tv show: Futurama
            pets: None
            House colour: White apartment
            Goal: To be on The Way.
            Have had: my share of the pie.
            Haven't had: my big dreams come true.
            *Can't get enough: beautiful scenery here in Oregon.

            * ones I added
            Gigabyte GA-K8N Ultra 9, Opteron 170 Denmark 2x2Ghz, 2 GB Corsair XMS, Gigabyte 6600, Gentoo Linux
            Motion Computing M1400 -- Tablet PC, Ubuntu Linux

            "if I said you had a beautiful body would you take your pants off and dance around a bit?" --Zapp Brannigan


            • #7
              Name: David Hilliard
              Fav Food: Sushi, Thai Food, and Dim-sum
              Siblings: 2 step brothers(Mike and Chris), and 1 half sister(Robyn)
              Age: 32
              Location: Bay Area, CA
              Parents: Cynthia(Mom), never met my Dad
              I am: A mutt. I think I have English, Danish, Scottish, Dutch, German, and Indian(native american), and probably a few more I don't know about
              I work as: A network/software Engineer
              fav band: Metallica - F U C K it all and F U C K ing no regrets!
              fav movie: Braveheart
              pets: Kona, Meeka, and Spooky(2 dogs and a cat)
              Goal: hmmm? I've accomplished most of them. I want to travel to England and check out the castles.
              Have had: a lot, and I am very grateful for it.
              Haven't had: I could really die today and I would be happy with no regrets.
              Last edited by Helevitia; 13 July 2004, 11:19.
              Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


              • #8
                Name: Kasper Martin Pilested
                Favorite Food: Sushi( Can't be the only one here not liking sushi , Steak, BBQ in general
                Siblings: 3 younger ones.. Mikkel, Katrine and Mads.
                Age: Continually getting older.. born June 11, 1974, you do the math
                Location: Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada
                Parents: yes
                I am: Human, or at least a good impersonator of such, otherwise Purebred Dane ( as far back as I know)
                I work as: Electronic Design engineer, which means alot of programming these days
                favorite band: quoting Spadnos on this one
                Non-pop, non-disco, non-country bands
                favorite movie: Shrek
                pets: none, but there is a dog here at work I can play with
                Goal: finish my current project at work so I can go on to something more interesting!
                Haven't had: Much luck in .... Still thinking about a good one for here
                Last edited by Tjalfe; 13 July 2004, 11:31.
                We have enough youth - What we need is a fountain of smart!

                i7-920, 6GB DDR3-1600, HD4870X2, Dell 27" LCD


                • #9
                  Name: Dan Burget
                  Fav Food: Chicken Fried Steak
                  Siblings: 3 sisters
                  Age: 31
                  Location: Riverton, Utah
                  Parents: Uh, I think I have them
                  I am: White Mutt.
                  I work as: IS Manager (Network Engineer )
                  fav band: Def Leppard
                  fav movie: Princess Bride
                  pets: None
                  Goal: Get a house. (Ex wife has the last one)
                  Have had: Fun, Friends, what more is there?
                  Haven't had: Very many regrets.
                  Last edited by Byock; 13 July 2004, 13:59.
                  "I dream of a better world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned."


                  • #10
                    Name: don't remeber (Samer Beyhum, my friends call me spiral, the Dragon or sage.
                    Fav Food: armenian pilaf
                    Siblings: 1 sisters 7 years yunger
                    Age: 26 (or 12,000 years depending how you count years)
                    Location: in the spiral... (lebanon ATM)
                    Parents: divorced... mother lives with me.. dont talk to father much... he is an ass and never want to end up like him
                    I am: The Dragon...
                    I work as: in real life; assistant to an old professor at Uni; in part real life; Film maker, sound engeneer, Avid editor, digital artist, sound designer, scriptwriter, screenplay writer, sound track creator and digital artists. in social life; person every one runes to when they have technical, creative and/or emotional problems (hay who do i run to?) in alternate reality; The Dragon, protector of the forgotten realm
                    fav band: Pink floyd, Suppertramp, Bjork, Dead can dance, Ledzeplin hans zimer, Beathoven, Berlioz, Debusy, Bach, Brahms, prokofiev, bernstine and others... love Jaz, Clasics, Bluse, rock soundtracks.... so long as its not rap, tranc, house, pop, freestyle and any of the new crap they pretend to call music
                    fav movie: Metropolis (fritz lang) LOTR... Blood of a poet, Big fish, any thing Igmar Bergman, Stanly Cubric and others
                    pets: None
                    Goal: in real life; become a great film maker. in dreams; be one of the people to help unite the world.
                    Have had: lots of life experiance, bad times, good times, fame and many things. oh.. and too many regrets
                    Haven't had: a person to cenect to in all posible ways.. especialy in an emotional way.
                    "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


                    • #11
                      Re: Who are you?

                      Name: James
                      Fav Food: Ice Cream and KC style BBQ
                      Siblings: 3 brothers, 3 sisters
                      Age: I'm older than I've ever been and now I'm even older, and now I'm even older, and now I'm even older... which is about 29.
                      Location: Kansas City area, USA
                      Parents: Webster and Marit
                      I am: 0.5 Norwegian, 0.5 mix of German, English, Scottish, Irish and probably a few more.
                      I work as: Computer Technician
                      fav band: Metallica, Rammstein, and fav DJ is Tiesto.
                      fav movie: arg ... depends on the genre.
                      pets: none currently, I suppose dogs are my favorite though.
                      House colour: A dark blue-gray with creme trim.
                      Goal: to destroy my enemies ... I mean, to be happy and live well.
                      Have had: trouble answering this question
                      Haven't had: trouble answering this question.
                      “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
                      –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett


                      • #12
                        Re: Re: Who are you?

                        [B]Name: Ronald Hoi Kit Wan
                        Fav Food: Lots of vegetables, Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Italian/French (desert) food
                        Siblings: 1 brother
                        Age: 17
                        Location: Thornhill, Greater Toronto, Ontario, Canada
                        Parents: Mom and dad living happily with me and my brother
                        I am: 100% Chinese
                        I work as: Getting a co-op job the coming May 2005
                        fav band: N/A. Kate Ryan has some pretty good songs though.
                        fav movie: Hero (a excellent Chinese movie about a geat king)
                        pets: N/A
                        House colour: Red bricks (a bit of gray in between) with brown roof.
                        Goal: Finish my 5 year program in Computer Engineering at University of Waterloo; get a master; become an ASIC design engineer/architect at ATI/NVIDIA so I can get stuff cheap easily I am cool with Intel/AMD too! But these dreams/goals gotta be hard to reach

                        Oh ya, and maybe not to get married too lol...
                        Have had: Been known as a tech addict/geek at my school.
                        Haven't had: Finished reading the huge circuit book I got last christmas...


                        • #13
                          Name: Dietmar Cordes
                          Fav Food: Everything but fish
                          Siblings: 2 sisters, 1 brother, all older than me
                          Age: 31
                          Location: Horneburg, near Hamburg Germany.
                          Parents: Yes!
                          I am: usally quiet
                          I work as: Full time Software Engineer
                          Fav Band: None, as long as it sounds good.
                          Fav Movie: None
                          Pets: 2 cats (7 year old he-cat and 3 month old she-cat)
                          House Colour: Outside: red brick Inside: cream-white
                          Goal: make the house my own
                          Have Had: 10 years of studying
                          Haven't Had: enough money to study even longer


                          • #14
                            Re: Who are you?

                            Name: Luke.
                            Fav Food: Sushi, Ceaser Salads, Breakfast
                            Siblings: One brother, one sister - both older.
                            Age: 22.
                            Location: Fort Carson, Colorado
                            Parents: Nunya. Nunya damn business.
                            I am: mostly irish, part german. parents (and grandparents, and probably great grandparents) were born in america, although I was born in Australia.
                            I work as: Infantryman (MOS 11B) currently assigned as a M2A2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle Operator. God I hate that vehicle.
                            fav band: kidneythieves, Stone Temple Pilots, etc etc
                            fav movie: too many I like, no favorite.
                            pets: None, but my Mom does keep our dog.
                            House colour: Barracks, baby.
                            Goal: Kick ass, take names, come back alive.
                            Have had: too many #$*^&*#$ing shots.
                            Haven't had: enough sleep. ever.
                            Last edited by DGhost; 14 July 2004, 00:09.
                            "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


                            • #15
                              Name: Dean Blackborough
                              Fav Food: Curry, hotter the better
                              Siblings: One younger idiot of a brother
                              Age: 26
                              Location: The Dump that is Reading in the UK
                              Parents: They are around somewhere.
                              I am: a robot disguised as a Human Male.
                              I work as: Data Analyst...yawn....
                              Fav Band: REM
                              Fav movie: Fargo
                              Pets: Only my Housemate
                              House colour: Brick and Blue
                              Goal: Own the worlds largest 3D Gallery
                              Have had: Too many of those nights I can't ever mention.
                              Haven't had: ....true happiness....

