In this thread I had promised to participate at a later date. I just tried to do that now only to discover that I can't post in the soapbox anymore

So here goes
Name: Friedrich Markgraf (and two middle names I won't tell)
Fav Food: Depends on the mood, but rare steak, lamb... I eat too much
Siblings: One sister, 20 (OMG time flies! She was a little girl just yesterday, now she's a woman!)
Age: Constantly changing, 22 at the moment.
Location: Bielefeld, Germany (I do come from Berlin though, and I miss it. And I won't shut up about it!)
Parents: Günter and Jung-Sook
I am: Half german, half korean (but I don't speak a word korean, and I feel very german, though I don't look it. Many people think I am a turk.)
I work as: Intern at an electronic engineer's circuit design small business, hope to start studying this summer.
fav band: Not really, lots of music from lots of bands
fav movie: ditto.
pets: None, but I love cats.
House colour: No house but from the inside it is <span style="background-color:white;">white</span>, <span style="background-color:#fff8dc;">cornsilk</span>, <span style="background-color:#f5f5f5;">whitesmoke</span>, <span style="background-color:#98FB98;">palegreen</span>, <span style="background-color:#006400;">darkgreen</span>, <span style="background-color:#ff8c00;">orange</span> <span style="background-color:#ffcc00;">in</span> <span style="background-color:#ffcc33;">various</span> <span style="background-color:#ffdd88;">shades</span>, and <span style="background-color:#dda0dd;">plum</span> (And no, I didn't make these colors up, those are X11/netscape color names. We mixed them ourselves before we knew what they were called
Goal: I don't know; to become inherently happy I guess, and a good person.
Have had: about enough.
Haven't had: something witty for "Have had"
Did I miss something?
And who are you? Please post some info, or update old info for us

So here goes

Name: Friedrich Markgraf (and two middle names I won't tell)
Fav Food: Depends on the mood, but rare steak, lamb... I eat too much

Siblings: One sister, 20 (OMG time flies! She was a little girl just yesterday, now she's a woman!)
Age: Constantly changing, 22 at the moment.
Location: Bielefeld, Germany (I do come from Berlin though, and I miss it. And I won't shut up about it!)
Parents: Günter and Jung-Sook
I am: Half german, half korean (but I don't speak a word korean, and I feel very german, though I don't look it. Many people think I am a turk.)
I work as: Intern at an electronic engineer's circuit design small business, hope to start studying this summer.
fav band: Not really, lots of music from lots of bands
fav movie: ditto.
pets: None, but I love cats.
House colour: No house but from the inside it is <span style="background-color:white;">white</span>, <span style="background-color:#fff8dc;">cornsilk</span>, <span style="background-color:#f5f5f5;">whitesmoke</span>, <span style="background-color:#98FB98;">palegreen</span>, <span style="background-color:#006400;">darkgreen</span>, <span style="background-color:#ff8c00;">orange</span> <span style="background-color:#ffcc00;">in</span> <span style="background-color:#ffcc33;">various</span> <span style="background-color:#ffdd88;">shades</span>, and <span style="background-color:#dda0dd;">plum</span> (And no, I didn't make these colors up, those are X11/netscape color names. We mixed them ourselves before we knew what they were called

Goal: I don't know; to become inherently happy I guess, and a good person.
Have had: about enough.
Haven't had: something witty for "Have had"
Did I miss something?
And who are you? Please post some info, or update old info for us
