Now that's a completely new view on Mrs. Spears ...
Here's something to chew on. Toronto artist Jason Kronenwald creates portraits of beautiful women out of lovely munched and slobbered bubblegum on a board.
''No paint or dye is used,'' Jason's Web gallery explains. ''The colour is inherent to the gum -- the mixing of colour takes place inside the mouth during chewing using an endless variety of companies. Kronenwald has a dedicated team of chewers and prefers the texture of Trident. However, he does not chew gum himself unless he must.''
Contains provocativeness and spit.
''No paint or dye is used,'' Jason's Web gallery explains. ''The colour is inherent to the gum -- the mixing of colour takes place inside the mouth during chewing using an endless variety of companies. Kronenwald has a dedicated team of chewers and prefers the texture of Trident. However, he does not chew gum himself unless he must.''
Contains provocativeness and spit.