Government offices of some kind of great bureaucracy?
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Guess where this is?
Originally posted by lecter
It's Aachen Cathedral
Initially I thought there wasn't anything so historically special about the place, but then I saw that its former name was Aix-La-Chapelle, it's the place Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman Emperor, was crowned (as well as all the other ones for 600 years).
You'll laugh at how I came across it...when I saw that the picture was called "Dresden", I of course fell for the bait and did a search there first. However, the metadata copyright of the pic is from a company located in Aachen
MONTAGS – DONNERSTAGS: 11 – 18 UHR* Bitte beachten Sie folgende Ausnahmen: • Aschermittwoch, 5. März, 12-17:30 Uhr FREITAGS + SAMSTAGS: 11 – 19 UHR* • Freitag, 7. März, 11 bis 17:45 Uhr • Samstag, 8.
Beautiful pics of the Interior:
Last edited by KvHagedorn; 20 November 2004, 17:07.
It's not an old prison building is it or a religious thing, when you say establishment, religion adn armed forces come to mind.
Warm climate rules out north Europe but what about Australia/ NZ. It does not look very Asian or African
Bigger pic??
Just copy the picture to the clipboard (the picture, from within a picture viewer/editor, not the file!), then paste it into a new picture, and all metadata is gone