Yeah.. believe it or not, I've heard of those mines, too. Saw a fascinating show about them on the discovery channel. Just amazing.
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Guess where this is?
Originally posted by NowhereHmm...I must search harder for something appriopriate next time (OTOH...I have enough of searching photos today)
Curiosity: everything you see on those pictures, apart from obvious things like lighbulbs, candles, cords/structural cores of chandeliers is made of salt.
Crap, how did you do that...I was prepared to answer for "Is it in Poland" something like: "NO!!! BWUAHAHAHA"
BTW, it's a bit smaller than Merienburg
PS. You can rent Wieliczka for a wedding or something if you want to(there are also "restaurant" and "dance" chambers). And don't forget the possibility for wonderfull boat undeground canals
Last edited by Nowhere; 4 April 2006, 17:31.
Yep, cam up on the second page of googling 'roman ruins'
I believe it was KVH's turnYeah, well I'm gonna build my own lunar space lander! With blackjack aaaaannd Hookers! Actually, forget the space lander, and the blackjack. Ahhhh forget the whole thing!