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Guess where this is?
Too easy!
Boggy Creek, Florida.
(URL too revealing)
Seen plenty of wildlife at various places in FL, notably in the Everglades (several visits). However, about 20 or 30 km from Naples, there is an Audubon Bird Sanctuary which has a several km boardwalk over the swamp and every kind of wildlife you can imagine and then more besides. Mosquitoes galore, though. Closer to Orlando, there is a good State Park on a large hammock, with lots of wildlife, especially birds. You take the highway S of Orlando and about ½ way to Miami, you turn right and the park is a few km farther along. As a curiosity, they have an enormous steam drain digger there, used by the Army for their catastrophic attempts to "tame" the Everglades in the 1930s, to turn them into a sugar cane plantation.
Once in the Glades, I was walking along a path running alongside a canal and came across a guy sitting on the grassy bank, fishing, and we exchanged the time of day. On the way back, he was still there, but in a bit of a flurry. Getting closer, I saw there was a 3 m 'gator in the water where he was fishing. He told me that he had just caught a 2 pounder and, as he was playing it towards the bank, the 'gator had slid down from the bank, not even 2 m from where he had been sitting, and grabbed the fish and line, which he had to cut. I could see 2 m of line hanging from the beast's mouth, the fish presumably safely in its tummy. The guy said he must have been seated a metre or so from the beast for over 2 hours. I must have walked less than a metre from the tip of its tail, but it was well camouflaged in the tall grass, in which I could see where it had been!!!Brian (the devil incarnate)