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Wong side of the bed in Hospital

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  • Wong side of the bed in Hospital


    Back in hospital

    As some of you may remember I had a difficult time ~one year ago when I was suffering with recurrent bouts of ascending cholangitis. That all came to an abrupt end when I had a cholecystectromy and biliary tree reconstruction which is normally only performed on liver transplant patients. I made a slow recovery due to less then optimal analgesia and a relatively uneventful recovery apart from getting my would infected.

    Last thusrday I started getting epigastric pain radiating straight through to the inferior pole of my right scapula. I felt so tired that I fell asleep by 6pm.

    Friday morning I felt fine but I thought I'd better check my bloods as a precautionary measure. They were all fine apart from a slightly raised white count, so I put it down to a bit of gastroenteritis. During the next four days the pain was replaced by sharp colic in the right upper quadrant of my abdomen.

    By monday it had kept me awake all night. I had also noticed that my abdomen was becoming more distended on the right. I thought that I had better get an xray at work and it showed faecal loading in in the ascending colon with a few dilated loops of small bowel.

    After conservative management most of the pain has resolved and I was allowed home today albeit twisting my consultant's arm.

    So I'm back home - which is good.


    The Welsh support two teams when it comes to rugby. Wales of course, and anyone else playing England

  • #2
    Apart from the last bit can you translate medical terms into english for the non doctor.
    Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
    Weather nut and sad git.

    My Weather Page


    • #3
      Sorry to here about your troubles Paddy. Glad you are back at home, rest well...

      Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


      • #4
        sorry to hear of your setback Paddy.
        hope you make a speedy recovery.
        was the original problem due to gallstones or to inflammatory bowel pathology?


        • #5
          Short translations:

          In the past he had to have the tubes running from his liver to small bowel reconstructed after the surgeons removed much of the originals with his gallbladder.

          Currently he suffered (and that is very likely a gross understatement) from a bowel inflammation and obstruction that hurt like a sonofabitch.

          Close enough Paddy?

          Dr. Mordrid
          Dr. Mordrid
          An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

          I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


          • #6
            I was diagnosed with biliary atresia at birth and was about to undergo a Kasai procedure, but when they got inside all they found was a cholodochocyst so I ended up having a cholodochoduodenostomy (sp?) or something similar.

            Anyway, the recurrent bouts of cholangits were due the anastomosis closing leaving a stricture at the distal end of my common bile duct, which is presumably post surgical.

            I am ok now, but after a small tea, I feel that I have eaten far too much. I guess I could do with loosing a stone anyway

            My stay in hospital was a tad frustrating as noone had seen my op before let alone performed one, so they all stood from afar and tried to poke me as little as possible!

            Sorry TP: DM got their first
            Cheers Ayoub! / DM! /Dave!
            The Welsh support two teams when it comes to rugby. Wales of course, and anyone else playing England


            • #7
              sorry for your trouble, Paddy.

              It was all a bit technical for me - thanks DM, but hope it 'settles' soon.

              Dont just swallow the blue pill.


              • #8
                hmm doctors make really interesting patients!
                guess the only surgeons who've seen & done a Kasai procedure will be the specialist paediatric surgeons hence the reluctance of the adult gastroenterology surgeon.
                did you have an ERCP and attempt at stenting before your op?
                it now all makes sense about your elevated lfts.


                • #9
                  I've had two ERCPs + sphincterotomy in the past six months. No attempt was made to stent though.

                  I just feel that I've been though the system a few times too many for my liking

                  Hopefully in a day or two I'll be back to my normal self
                  The Welsh support two teams when it comes to rugby. Wales of course, and anyone else playing England


                  • #10
                    Ouch. Good luck with a full recovery Paddy.
                    DM says: Crunch with Matrox


                    • #11
                      Does Wong know your in his hospital bed? (read your title )

                      On a serious note, hope you recover faster than Wolverine.
                      Titanium is the new bling!
                      (you heard from me first!)


                      • #12
                        Typos. go figure
                        The Welsh support two teams when it comes to rugby. Wales of course, and anyone else playing England


                        • #13
                          Sorry to hear you've been through the wringer again Paddy.

                          I hope you are back to full strength soon! Is Brecon still on, or is Wifey grounding you?


                          • #14
                            Make me fell ill reading it.

                            Sorry about your troubles
                            Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
                            Weather nut and sad git.

                            My Weather Page


                            • #15
                              Hope everything turns out fine...
                              Speedy recovery!
                              Life is a bed of roses. Everyone else sees the roses, you are the one being gored by the thorns.

                              AMD PhenomII555@B55(Quadcore-3.2GHz) Gigabyte GA-890FXA-UD5 Kingston 1x2GB Generic 8400GS512MB WD1.5TB LGMulti-Drive Dell2407WFP
                              ***Matrox G400DH 32MB still chugging along happily in my other pc***

