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Why satellite TV is growing so fast....

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  • #16
    I actually noticed every bit of artifact on my old cable signal, it was so bad I had them come by to check the cable and they said it was fine.

    The funny thing was that I had the Digital cable box too, and the artifacts was horrible on all channels.

    My satellite kicks a$$!!

    Another new technology Bell is working on is called VDSL, you basically get Video/Phone/Internet all on the same phone line.
    This also includes either 1 HD signal and two SD as well as internet and phone OR 3 SD plus all the rest, hence the 28Mbps upgrade to the signal which we will get soon

    Can't wait!!!


    • #17
      I don't get snow on the analog channels, but it does look horrible. But satellite compression is just as bad. This is why I watch as many shows as possible in HD. At night I watch TV in my bedroom where my crappy 19" hides all of the defects

      My 40" RPTV painfully shows every nasty artifact and compression block.
      Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


      • #18
        Well regardless, any video signal whether it's via cable to satellite is in Mpeg-2 format, so by nature it's compressed, however the amount of compression varies from cable to Satellite and it could vary from provider to provider.


        • #19

          our SBC phone & internet service does just as well in most of those areas and better in others. We get all the premium Yahoo stuff to boot including a 2gb mailbox, webspace, tons of mailboxes, a dedicate Bulk mailbox (they auto-direct most spam to it) etc. etc.

          Dr. Mordrid
          Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 1 December 2004, 13:36.
          Dr. Mordrid
          An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

          I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


          • #20
            Originally posted by Helevitia
            Once satellite finally gets as many local HD channels as Comcast, I will switch back.
            The satallite providers are trying to get the local stations to let them broadcast HD content but the local owners are dragging their feet *coughKickbackScough*. Dish just announced that CBS-HD will be offered in NY and LA to those who have HD Satellite.

            Though if you want HDTV content, you get Voom. They have 36 HDTV channels, including HBO (East and West for all premium services), Showtime, Discovery, Encore, ESPN, TNT, Cinemax, Starz, Bravo, TMC, Playboy (yes there is a HD Playboy channel), and 20 Voom HD channels. Plus all their recievers come with a built-in OTA for local digital until they can get local digital on their system.

            Doesn't matter to me though, no HDTV ... yet. The Samsung rear-projection DLP is looking awefully tasty though The gen 3 models are beautiful!

            I get Dish w/ 60 channels plus 8 locals for $30, cable modem w/ Earthlink as my ISP for $42, and VoIP phone (unlimited in US and Canada) for $20. So for phone, broadband and sat I pay about $92 a month.

            “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
            –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett


            • #21
              Originally posted by GT98
              Only thing is that DSL can't hold a candle to my Cable Modems Downloads. Theres been talk of Verizon putting in Fiber in the area that would match the speed, but I'll see what happens.
              Ah, but not all of us have Cablevision and OOL to give us 10mbps/1mbps speeds Sure enough, I'm a block outside of OOL's service territory, so my cable option is TWC RR. Verizon is offering 3.0/768 for $29.95/month but it is unavailable to me because my phone line runs through fiber (no DSL available). So I am stuck with SDSL for now, but I plan to switch to Covad's non-lineshare ADSL option soon.

