A while back the subject of Walmart "taking over the world" came up. Here is why it's not happening in the Detroit area;
A local Meijers store:

The red arrows indicate the approximate size of the Walmarts built in our area.
This store actually extends another 10 meters to the right, but got cut off because of bad framing on my part.
While not all Meijers are this large, most are at least 2/3's this size with one about every 5-10 miles in our parts.
The cars in the foreground are at the extreme back of the parking lot, about 200+ meters from the front of the store.
I took this picture from 300+ meters away so it would fit into the frame.
Meijers is based in Grand Rapids, Michigan and are family owned and operated.
They too are a discount store, but often have better quality stuff than Walmart.
Their grocery department is great and includes a deli, fresh cut meats, a bakery (takes orders) and a cafeteria/grill (far left).
Dr. Mordrid
A local Meijers store:

The red arrows indicate the approximate size of the Walmarts built in our area.
This store actually extends another 10 meters to the right, but got cut off because of bad framing on my part.
While not all Meijers are this large, most are at least 2/3's this size with one about every 5-10 miles in our parts.
The cars in the foreground are at the extreme back of the parking lot, about 200+ meters from the front of the store.
I took this picture from 300+ meters away so it would fit into the frame.
Meijers is based in Grand Rapids, Michigan and are family owned and operated.
They too are a discount store, but often have better quality stuff than Walmart.
Their grocery department is great and includes a deli, fresh cut meats, a bakery (takes orders) and a cafeteria/grill (far left).
Dr. Mordrid