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UPN Cancels 'Star Trek: Enterprise'

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  • #16
    I absolutely agree with DGhost. What killed both Voyager and Enterprise for me mostly were the characters. The Voyager characters seemed cheesy and stereotypical, and ranged from OK to really dislikable (Tuvok, Neelix...); the characters in Enterprise mostly didn't have enough character or looked too much like one another. I don't know why, but Enterprise always seemed much more "american" to me than the other series (except maybe for TOS, but that's really a different league), all the other series seemed more "international" to me, and that's not because there were more asians and blacks on board (well, maybe a little).

    There's an Opera in my macbook.


    • #17
      I didnt mind Voyager, it was much more happening there than in DS9 which was just a boring soap opera. But enterprise, well, the intro credits suxx, and also Scott Bacula, the most boring stupid untalented actor in this galaxy. The best episode was when Tucker was captain..

      TNG was really good, but also there the two first seasons are boring.. but it picks up with Deja Q, and after that the actors play better.

      Not really a star trek fan, just watching TNG now on DVD.

      Mater tua criceta fuit, et pater tuo redoluit bacarum sambucus.


      • #18
        The problem is, Enterprise will probably get replaced by another mindless stupid annoying 'reality tv' show.


        • #19
          IMO they should have produced a series based on the adventures of Captain Sulu and the crew of the Excelsior.

          Now to Enterprise: I thought one of the biggest mistakes they made was turning the Vulcans into quasi-villians in many story lines. That cut into a basic premise of ST since day one.

          Also not helpful were several characters, starting with Ensign Sato, who just seemed too bland or in some cases unnecessary. I did like one character though: Dr. Phlox. He had lots of potential, but in many stories wasn't utilized as well as he should have been.

          Dr. Mordrid
          Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 3 February 2005, 08:48.
          Dr. Mordrid
          An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

          I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


          • #20
            Enterprise needed to be grittier and needed to get back to the original premise of Star Trek: exploring Strange New Worlds. The NX-01, being the first of a new line of ships, should have felt more like it was about to fly apart at any moment. The humans in the crew should have had a more "Screw the galaxy! Here we come" attitude instead of the warm, fuzzy, politically correct, BORING "We're all brothers" attitude. In short, they should have been MORE HUMAN.

            I respect Gene Roddenberry for his vision of the future of humanity, but I really don't think we're going to change THAT much, even in 400 years.



            • #21
              KRSESQ: Take a look at how much we changed in the past 400 years, or maybe 2000 if you will.

              A new series set during the dominion wars would be really great.

              All the people who say DS9 is a soap opera: Have you watched the last season? DS9 was a soap Opera in the beginning, but EVERY ST series had a weak start.

              There's an Opera in my macbook.


              • #22
                Enterprise is one of my favourite current shows. I'm really going to miss it. I hope it can be saved. I think Archer is a great character. T'Pol is a little too emotional to be a good Vulcan.

                It's astounding how much better the final seasons of TNG were compared to the first few. It's too bad Enterprise isn't being given the same chance to mature and find its audience.
                P.S. You've been Spanked!


                • #23
                  Take a look at how much we changed in the past 400 years, or maybe 2000 if you will.
                  one of my favorite lines comes from the XFiles episode "Je Suhaite" (sp?), the one in which Mulder finds a genie in a rug. He asks this highly cynical supernatural being if there's been any improvement in humankind in her 500 years. Her response: "People smell better."



                  • #24
                    Yeah, that's also true, but many of us don't like to burn witches or go on holy wars anymore (Some islamistic countries and the USA excluded).

                    There's an Opera in my macbook.


                    • #25
                      Bring Back ... ummm ... 7 of 9!

                      To be quite honest, I think "Enterprise" fell short, in that following Voyager, with 7 of 9, they didn't have a female character with sufficient sex appeal to keep people watching! I might be wrong, especially since I'm being silly about it, but I mean... I watch Enterprise, only because it's on after Voyager repeats on Foxtel (here in Oz), not because it's exciting... it lacks gratuity on many levels.
                      Look, I know you think the world of me, that's understandable, you're only human, but it's not nice to call somebody "Vain"!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by az
                        Yeah, that's also true, but many of us don't like to burn witches or go on holy wars anymore (Some islamistic countries and the USA excluded).

                        It's because you're just in denial.


                        • #27
                          I don't know what you mean by that statement, but it was wrong of me to have posted this here, this is temp forum stuff, sorry.

                          KvH, if you want to continue discussing this, make a post in temp and pm me about it (I don't usually go there, so I wouldn't see it).

                          There's an Opera in my macbook.


                          • #28
                            Season 4

                            Personally, I've enjoyed Enterprise since Manny Coto took over as showrunner. He seemed to improve things immediately, and new writers Judith and Garfield(?) Reeves-Stevens have written some fine episodes. I was so pleasantly surprised after seeing their first episode (The Forge, S4 Ep07), I began checking Trek and fandom sites to see how others were reacting. A lot of people were floored.

                            I'm not fanatical enough to have noted (much less remembered) all of the various Vulcan discontinuities over the decades, but of course there are people who live for this stuff. Apparently, the Reeves-Stevenses fixed or explained most of them in the first fifteen minutes of the episode. And not just Enterprise discontinuities. They addressed issues going back to the original series. They've been called on several times to do the heavy lifting: dealing with the Vulcan's quasi-mystical relationship with logic, the birth of the Federation, etc.

                            Which brings me to why I like this season so much more than previous seasons. Coto is going out of his way to explain how the future TOS and TNG continuity came about, as opposed to rehashing plots that took place (timeline-wise) in the future. I think it's a pity the series is being cancelled now that, IMHO, it's on the right track. Now we might never know why the Klingons looked so different in the original series.


