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Be honest!

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  • Be honest!

    What drugs are you into and how much?

    My score:
    Heroin: Never tried
    Cocaine/crack: Never tried
    LSD: Never tried
    Amphetamines: Once under medical prescription, stopped ASAP
    Anabolising compounds: Never tried
    LSD: Never tried
    Marijuana: Never tried
    Other "recreational" drugs: Never tried
    Prescription drugs: only as directed, with circumspection
    Over-the-counter drugs: rarely, only for genuine malaise, with circumspection, never to excess
    Tobacco: Gave up 35 years ago (3 packs/day)
    Alcohol: Average 1.5 - 2 dl wine per day = about 2 cl ethanol = ~½ l beer = 1 shot of spirits
    Caffeine/Theine: 4 - 5 mugs of tea, plus an occasional Cyprus coffee (pure caffeine!!!), almost never caffeinated soft drinks
    Chocolate: occasional binge eater of a whole bar of >75% cacao bitter black chocolate (perhaps once/year or every other year)

    What have I missed out?
    Brian (the devil incarnate)

  • #2
    Coffee/Tea - 3-4/day
    Wine - beer - 1 or 2 /day
    20 yr scotch - 1 shot every now and then
    Tobacco - put away pipe 20 years ago
    OTC - occasional aspirin
    other drugs- never tried. saw a kid in junior high school OD and die on the steps of the school.
    Chocolate - dark only.


    • #3
      My score:
      Heroin: Nope
      Cocaine/crack: Nope
      LSD: Nope
      Amphetamines: Nope
      Anabolising compounds: huh??
      LSD: Nope
      Marijuana: Had a roommate once... ****er would come in and toke up within 30 seconds of being in the door... not even a chance to yell at him about it...
      Other "recreational" drugs: Hope
      Prescription drugs: Take them with pleasure, when perscribed. Ambien strikes me as the best one in recent times.
      Over-the-counter drugs: all the time. Aleve/Naproxen in 300-450mg doses when required, ibuprofen in 800mg+ doses, sudafed has been a kicker recently (sane doses of that), benadryl occasionally for help sleeping, doses in the range of 100mg-300mg depending on how badly i need to sleep.
      Tobacco: Smoked for about a month total, two times in my life - a couple of nights before basic training, and I picked it up and dropped it a couple of times in Iraq, based on the situation.
      Alcohol: occasionally, most of the time it has been Sake with a meal, enough to get a buzz and perhaps a little giddy. other times it involves beer and rum and problems walking - although that is very rare, and has not happened in a couple months.
      Caffeine/Theine: Soda pretty frequently, especially on weekends. I keep some Vivarin/No-Doze in a drawer in case of need it, but I have not required it in a long time. I've found power bars spread out by a couple hours work better to keep you awake. In high school I used to take 2 Vivarin and wash it down with a Jolt 20oz bottle. I remember doing that twice in the same day for finals. Interesting day.
      Chocolate: Rarely, although I do love it. makes me want some right now...

      Forgot to add... dietary supplements are an occasional thing, and Xenadrine (Hydroxycut wannabe) is an occasional thing. inbetween both right now.
      "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


      • #4
        Heroin: Never tried
        Cocaine/crack: Never tried
        LSD: Never tried
        Amphetamines: Never tried
        Anabolising compounds: Never tried
        LSD: Never tried

        Marijuana: Tried it a couple of times, only actually got high was a fun effect, it felt like the inside of my skull was being tickled Seriously, though, I've seen what it can do to people in frequent doses, makes it very difficult to have a conversation with them and all in all I'm glad I never picked up the habit.

        Other "recreational" drugs: Never tried

        Prescription drugs: practically never, hate taking pills regularly

        Over-the-counter drugs: if it can't be cured by Paracetamol, it can go away by itself

        Tobacco: Went for it a few times over the years, but never really liked it...I guess it goes hand in hand with the maryjane thing, if you're not a regular smoker the appeal is more limited. I really love Egyptian water pipes, but only in atmospheric conditions, i.e. a cozy bar.

        Alcohol: Basically whenever I go out, so it can vary greatly...sometimes just once in a fortnight, other times more often. As for prefered drinks: tequila (Jose Cuervo Gold), peach schnapps, Romanian wine & plum brandy, beer (Jap or Czech, usually), the ocassional cocktail...

        Caffeine/Theine: English Breakfast or Earl Grey tea once in awhile, trying to tone down my Coke habit, I used to drink 2-3l a day for about 6 years...hate coffee on account of the fact that it's not sweet (and there's not enough sugar in the world to make it sweet enough for me ) Also love Lipton Peach Ice Tea (got 3 cans around me atm)

        Chocolate: my other main vice...used to eat one or two 100g bars/day along with the above-mentioned Coke...again, trying to tone down, but having less success...I'm a hypoglycemic so it's very much a constant physical craving for sweets. Amazingly enough I've kept a constant weight (72kg @ 1.78m tall), but I should really start going to the gym if I don't want more and more bacon to be produced on all sides...
        All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


        • #5
          Marijuana - For Years
          Coke - Many Times
          Acid - 7 Times
          Mushrooms - Once
          Meth - A couple of times but I never liked it so I stopped
          Alcohol - Too many times
          Extacy - Once
          Tobbacco - Smoked for 10 years.

          No on the rest of the illegal drugs. And I haven't touched any of the above for more than 10 years (since I was 20ish) except Alcohol and I stopped smoking cigarettes regurlary at 25, but occasionally light one up (maybe a pack/year). I also smoke cigars from time to time.

          Currently I take Tylenol for headaches and Nexium for Heartburn. I drink Coffee and Tea and I have about stopped drinking alcohol.
          Last edited by Helevitia; 20 February 2005, 09:54.
          Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


          • #6
            Marijuana: ~5 times, didn't really feel anything the first four times except feeling ill (though maybe the guy who sold it to my friend - we wanted to try it out - has just ripped us off), the fifth time, everything was funny (like being really drunk) for five minutes, then I puked, then slept. Since it didn't do anything for me and made me feel sick/made me puke, I never really started.

            Cigarettes: Smoked lightly for ~3 years (16 to 19 or thereabouts), a pack a day for a year or so, then abruptly quit just because I like being right: I told my GF it was easy to quit After three years, I still would like a smoke ~once a month, depending on the situation.

            Alcohol: Drank ~1l beer/day (though not ever day, more like every second day plus on parties) for a while from... dunno, 15-16. Now very rarely (~1/month), but then usually enough to get drunk (which isn't much, as I'm out of practice )

            Caffeine: Never got why people talk about any effects at all, I don't feel anything. I very rarely drink coffee/coca cola, and then just for the taste of it. I like the taste of tea and drink it more than coffee, but still not for any "effect", which isn't there for me at all. Though Yasmine tea sometimes has the effect of giving me a clearer mind, but that may just be placebo effect

            Chocolate: Too much, but varying greaty.

            I eat too much.

            Internet: Still hooked. Not good for me at all

            I have not, and will probably never, touched any harder drugs, and I pride myself on taking very little medication (though this policy has gotten weaker: till 16, my total headache pill count was 1/2, now I reckon it's about 30). I could see myself as picking up light smoking again sometime in the distant future; I don't think I'll ever like the taste of strong alcoholic beverages, but then again, I'm still young and I notice my taste changing and maturing all the time.

            There's an Opera in my macbook.


            • #7
              Far, far too much booze (of all types except meths), fags and coffee with a bit of a nice cup of tea on the side .

              Only "non-legal" I've ever really been tempted by is weed, but don't any more just because I feel so slow and ineffective the day after.

              Prescription - other than painkillers spent a stint on fluoxetine but happily nothing needed at the moment.
              DM says: Crunch with Matrox


              • #8
                none o' yer friggin' business
                Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
                [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


                • #9
                  Alcohol, cafeïne, nicotine, THC and N2O. I only consume alcohol and cafeïne on a regular basis though.


                  • #10
                    N2O? What's that like? How long does it last?
                    Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
                    [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


                    • #11
                      N2O aka 'laughing gas' is primarily used as an anaesthetic. The effect lasts about 30s - 1 minute after inhaling about a balloon full of the stuff. What is it like? I and people who I know that used it, perceive the effect as hearing everything with a kind of 'stroboscopic' effect of interruptions and in a slowed down manner. I found it pretty boring, but I've read that the effect differs greatly from person to person.
                      Rather harmless stuff as long as you don't overdo it.


                      • #12
                        Heh, heh, sounds like Umfriend is using this thread to pick some new stuff to try

                        Grass quite heavily for a few years at Uni, then occasionally ever since - not since quitting smoking though.
                        Mushrooms, 3 times (picked by me) and would do it again (if I can be bothered to go and find them .
                        Smoked 20 to 25 for about 12 years - gave up 6 months ago. Can't see me taking it up again.
                        Alcohol, I generally am less than 28 units a week, though I can put away a fair bit at a party which can take me over the limit.
                        Caffeine - used to drink a lot of tea and some coffee (lots of coffee at work).
                        At start of giving up smoking I drank loads of coffee to replace the stimulant effect of nicotine (constipation can be a side effect of giving up smoking ). Last 4 months I mostly drink decaf green tea (hard to get, though), Roibos, herbal/fruit tea, and occasional decaf regular tea.
                        Might have one cup of coffee at work in the afternoon.


                        • #13
                          Alcohol: wine 1/2 bottle ~2 times a week, beer less often these days, spirits - 2 or 3 shots a week.

                          Caffiene: 2-3 mugs of Tea a day, ~0.5l Diet Coke/day

                          Chocolate: very little, but love it in all forms

                          Medication: I self medicate rather than suffer. Ibuprofen, Paracetamol etc as required but only to the max dose.

                          All others: Never. Not even a single drag of a cigarette. I just don't get why people would want to try any of them, especially fags.


                          • #14
                            Beer - anywhere from 6 - 30 a week, depending on how often I get togther with the neighbours
                            caffiene - 1 espresso in the morning
                            weed - tried it once
                            no other prescription drugs at the moment, don't even take aspirin or tylenol unless I am in REAL pain
                            Yeah, well I'm gonna build my own lunar space lander! With blackjack aaaaannd Hookers! Actually, forget the space lander, and the blackjack. Ahhhh forget the whole thing!


                            • #15
                              Alcohol - occasionally a mixed drink. Never developed much of a taste for beer, though sometimes a glass of wine is nice.
                              Tobacco - Never picked up the cigarette habit, although once in a while I'll enjoy a good cigar. Usually don't smoke them, though. Just chew on them until there is nothing left.
                              Caffeine - no coffee or tea. I get my caffeine fix in the form of colas/carbonated beverages and the occasional "stay alert" pill when I know I'll be in a situation where the least drowsiness would be a Bad Thing.
                              Prescriptions - None. If I ever went to see a doctor its almost certain that he'd stick me on blood pressure meds as high blood pressure lurks in my family.
                              Over-The-Counter - Ranitidine or famotidine to control acid reflux. Also two aspirins nightly (family history of stroke) and acetominifen for occasional low back pain.
                              "Recreationals" - None, EXCEPT years ago tried mushrooms once. Made me laugh my ass off for fifteen minutes and that was it. Used marijuana fairly regularly in my younger days with no obvious ill effects, although it began to aggrevate my childhood bronchitis. Don't get much opportunity to use it anymore, which is kind of a shame because I prefer a light marijuana high to being even moderately drunk. I don't behave like a jerk as much under pot as I do under booze.

                              I entered this thread with some trepidation, as this is the kind of subject matter that can degenerate into Temp Forum material really fast.


