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Vehicular homocide?

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  • #31
    az, you wouldn't want to hear my German
    btw, about popular mistakes: PL "dokÄ…d" = DE "wohin", PL "gdzie" = DE "wo"...but also PL "dokÄ…d" = PL "gdzie" ("gdzie" has broader meaning, but can be used as "dokÄ…d") How many times I've made this mistake...(which is sad...too bad my grandfather, who was half German, didn't used German (his was perfect - much better than Polish, he could count only in German, once some folks in Leipzig cafe thought that he's just some local that for some weird reason married Polish woman ) in our home (different times; if he was half Russian he'd be encouraged to teach me )...I could be bilingual today...ah, what could have been...
    Last edited by Nowhere; 24 April 2005, 04:13.


    • #32
      Originally posted by KvHagedorn
      Just like a concentration camp survivor would not actually be right about the Nazis? Yeah, great logic as usual there, Umf.
      ROFL. So it's like you had rough experiences with people whose stated and actively persued goal was to destroy you, as in like, KILL you? Wipe you of the face of the earth? "We liberals and feminists will not rest until the day we can congratulate our selfish, immoral, interest-group, lazy, anti-christian, stupid and ignorant selves with having destroyed KVH!"?

      Dude, there's enough wrong with the Nazis to be right about them without having any direct experiences with them. Thx for the comparison, it's always a very useful one.
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