Yeah definition of science:
here science (znanost) means all areas which use scientific methods, it's similar to German Wissenschaft.
In English, science also means natural science - the subject you have at school (si = naravoslovje/ de = Naturwissenschaft) where it deals with physics, biology, chemistry...
As per maths/geometry: We have defined few axioms and all things that are prooven are based uppon those. I don't know about maths but you can have noneuclidian geometry with different axioms, where things are different.
here science (znanost) means all areas which use scientific methods, it's similar to German Wissenschaft.
In English, science also means natural science - the subject you have at school (si = naravoslovje/ de = Naturwissenschaft) where it deals with physics, biology, chemistry...
As per maths/geometry: We have defined few axioms and all things that are prooven are based uppon those. I don't know about maths but you can have noneuclidian geometry with different axioms, where things are different.