Originally posted by xortam

However, some of us of this age have had some kind of treatment for prostate cancer, and that can make life somewhat less hard. On the subject, I strongly recommend that if you are over 50 (or over 40 with a family history of cancers), you have a PSA test done with your check-ups. If the result is <3 then there is no problem. Between 3 and 4, keep a watchful eye open. Over 4, then it may be wise to have further tests done; it does not mean you have cancer, there are 101 causes why it may be there, but it could be and an early Dx is ultra desirable! If a prostate cancer metastises, it is usually to the bones and this means many long and very painful days, so catch it early for a better chance to avoid this. Avoid sex and bicycles for 48 hours before the test as these will push up the results by at least 1. I was treated 9 years ago and am "in permanent remission" (oncologists never use the word "cure"!)