From NEJM:
The Lessons of Vioxx — Drug Safety and Sales
Henry A. Waxman, J.D.
Mr. Waxman is a U.S. Representative from California.
n engl j med 352;25
june 23, 2005
On November 23, 2000, the results of the Vioxx Gastrointestinal Outcomes Research study, known as VIGOR, were published in the Journal. This randomized, controlled trial showed that rofecoxib, an inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2 that had been marketed as Vioxx since May 1999, was associated with fewer gastrointestinal complications than naproxen, a standard nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug. Unexpectedly, the VIGOR study also showed that the patients who were given rofecoxib had four times as many myocardial infarctions as those who were given naproxen.
This finding of a significant increase in the risk of myocardial infarction was an early signal of a
potentially serious safety problem with rofecoxib. Nonetheless, sales remained robust. By the time of rofecoxib’s withdrawal from the market in September 2004, after a placebo-controlled study confirmed its cardiovascular risk, more than 100 million prescriptions had been filled in the United States. Tens of millions of these prescriptions were written for persons who had a low or very low risk of gastrointestinal problems.
On May 5, 2005, the Government Reform Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, on
which I serve as the senior Democrat, held a hearing that explored how drugs with serious safety issues, such as rofecoxib, can remain so popular for so long. What we learned illuminated a hidden corner of the health care system: the practices that pharmaceutical manufacturers use to promote their products to physicians.
The pharmaceutical industry spends more than $5.5 billion to promote drugs to doctors each year
— more than what all U.S. medical schools spend to educate medical students. Major drug companies employ about 90,000 sales representatives — one for every 4.7 doctors in the United States, according to the American Medical Association. Although substantial marketing expenditures are common in many industries, the potential effect of drug marketing on health raises special concerns. For years, the industry has justified these expenditures on the grounds that they fund essential education for doctors. According to the Web site of the Pharmaceutical
Manufacturers and Research Association, “many physicians learn about new drugs — indeed, about ongoing research in their areas of specialization — largely through information provided by the companies that market new products.†But if the primary goal is sales, not education, and the information provided to physicians is slanted or misleading, the health consequences for patients can be serious.
Because of the recent events surrounding rofecoxib, the May 5 hearing of the Government Reform Committee focused on Merck, the manufacturer of Vioxx, which has an excellent reputation within the drug industry and supports many products, such as vaccines, that are medically essential but not very profitable. The company funded VIGOR and appropriately sought to publish its results in a prestigious medical journal. In advance of the committee’s hearing, Merck cooperated voluntarily with our request for information, providing more than 20,000 pages of internal company documents. Merck also voluntarily sent a senior executive to testify at the hearing and answer the committee’s questions. Yet as we learned, even a company like Merck can direct its sales force to provide clinicians with a distorted picture of the relevant scientific evidence.
On February 7, 2001, the Arthritis Drugs Advisory Committee of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) met to discuss the VIGOR study. At this meeting, Merck argued that the significant increase in the rate of myocardial infarction (which further analysis had determined to be a fivefold increase) was explained by a protective effect of naproxen, not by any inherent risk posed by its drug. After the FDA’s medical reviewer and others expressed concern about this explanation, the advisory committee voted unanimously that physicians should be made aware of VIGOR’s cardiovascular results.
The next day, Merck sent a bulletin to its rofecoxib sales force of more than 3000 representatives. The bulletin ordered, “DO NOT INITIATE DISCUSSIONS ON THE FDA ARTHRITIS ADVISORY COMMITTEE . . . OR THE RESULTS OF THE . . . VIGOR STUDY.†It advised that if a physician inquired about VIGOR, the sales representative should indicate that the study showed a gastrointestinal benefit and then say, “I cannot discuss the study with you.â€