Originally posted by KvHagedorn
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Watching Shuttle Launch!
Originally posted by Dr MordridProblem is that someone has to get off their arses and go back to the less enviro-friendly but STICKY-AS-HELL foam mix, but will NASA have the kahones to tell the Enviro-Wacko's to go to hell and give 'em directions?
Dr. MordridWhy is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?
The biggest obstacle to going back to the old foam is that NASA probably has anywhere from 3 to 10 external fuel tanks delivered and ready for use. To a) strip off the new foam and recoat with old foam or b) order a new line of tanks with the old foam applied at the factory and modify/mothball the ones they already have would be VERY difficult to get past the bean-counters.
NASA wants to retire the shuttle fleet by 2010. Does anyone realistically think the shuttle will make 5 flights between now and then?
KevinLast edited by KRSESQ; 28 July 2005, 11:28.
Originally posted by KRSESQThe biggest obstacle to going back to the old foam is that NASA probably has anywhere from 3 to 10 external fuel tanks delivered and ready for use. To a) strip off the new foam and recoat with old foam or b) order a new line of tanks with the old foam applied at the factory and modify/mothball the ones they already have would be VERY difficult to get past the bean-counters.
NASA wants to retire the shuttle fleet by 2010. Does anyone realistically think the shuttle will make 5 flights between now and then?
Originally posted by KvHagedornYeah I think we can recklessly risk the lives of 7 of our best citizens just because we are cheap as hell. That makes really good sense.
Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 28 July 2005, 19:50.Dr. Mordrid
An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.
I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps
Originally posted by Dr MordridYou don't even need to go so far as internal insulation etc.
The problem is this that NASA originally used a spray foam that stuck like crazy, something like those spray insulating foams that stick so well they started using 'em as a glue.
This worked great for 80 some launches.
Then someone at NASA got Enviro-Wacky and decided to use a different kind of foam mix that is supposedly more "enviroment-friendly".
Problem: is doesn't stick for S**T.
Once again human lives don't count as much as PC bulls**t.
Bottom line:
There are at best 20 more shuttle missions to finish the Space Station and do the Hubble rescue mission. The environmentalists can take a rest until those missions are done and CEV starts its run.
Problem is that someone has to get off their arses and go back to the less enviro-friendly but STICKY-AS-HELL foam mix, but will NASA have the kahones to tell the Enviro-Wacko's to go to hell and give 'em directions?
Dr. MordridP.S. You've been Spanked!
Now there is the window-blanket issue:
Considering the things that go wrong now: were the just so lucky in the last 112 or so launches?
I mean, there were 2 accidents (one at launch, one at re-entry); and now we see some things that go seriously wrong. Did these things occur without people knowing it before (and they were lucky), or didn't they occur at all (and if so, why does it happen now?) ?
Originally posted by NowhereI think now they're just a little paranoid about everything. Which might be dangerous in itself...when something not serious takes attention from something that could be...
But then again, it is not like it is possible to say "oh, it's loose, but I'll will probabely suffice". If something is known to be wrong, it seems logical to try and fix it.