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Experiences with local anesthesia?

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  • Experiences with local anesthesia?

    Was lost in the maze that is Wikipedia when I happened to wander into the local anesthetic article which reminded me of a bad experience I had once.

    I was getting a bone set in my hand and when it came time for the local anesthetic I was a tad nervous because of a dislike of needles (bad luck as a kid, one too many nurses who apparently weren't very good at finding veins when I had Kawasaki disease.) Not ever having had a local anesthetic before I assumed it wouldn't be any worse than any other shot, just a pin-prick of pain if even that and no big deal, so I just tried to relax and try to ignore the procedure. Unfortunately that became rather difficult as the doctor began injecting the anesthetic: the best way I can describe it was that it felt as if he was pushing the whole hypodermic needle, syringe, and his arm through my hand, along with a gallon of buring gasoline mixed in with it. I suppose I should have suspected it wasn't going to be too comforatable when the nurse was helping him hold my hand and arm in place before he begain, but this caught me rather by surprise. I just sat there and said "ouch" along with a few other words while waiting for my hand to explode or whatever, but of course it ended pretty quickly and soon the only thing I could feel while the boxer's fracture was being set was the ends of the bones crunching together, a very odd sensation indeed. It was bad enough that I'd strongly consider asking the doctor about if just going sans-anesthesia was acceptable.

    Anyways, I was just curious if that's typical for local anesthesia, or what?
    Last edited by Jon P. Inghram; 6 August 2005, 18:43.

  • #2
    I have a friend who's had a couple of surgeries. She told me that there's a cream than can be used to numb the hand before they use the main needle for the anesthesia.

    She said that for one operation the doctor wasn't going to use it but she demanded it and he complied.
    P.S. You've been Spanked!


    • #3
      Well, here's the thing: the needle isn't what hurt, it was no worse than when I've given blood or had immunization shots, it was the anesthetic being injected that hurt so bad. Heck, when I had that corneal abrasion the raw pain wasn't nearly that bad (although that was astronomically more unpleasant altogether due to the duration of the pain and other factors.) I've never felt anything even remotely as painful before or after that shot.


      • #4
        the "burning" is the solution and the pressure they slam it into you with....had a nasty accident in my pre-IT days where a shard of wound fibreglass went thru the lower knuckle joint of my pinky finger. They injected the finger from 3 points around the joint and I agree, it HURTS.....The fun part is it doesnt show on x-ray so they were not sure if it all came out when they pulled it thru. The finger had issues for a long time afterwards but I am over it til arthritis kicks in
        Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


        • #5
          Never had a local but I have my own horror stories.

          The lesser is when I had the ACL ligament in my left knee reconstructed and I woke up from the procedure. I must have had a reaction to the anesthesia because EVERYTHING made me puke after that, including ice chips.

          The other one is why I haven't been to the dentist in a few years. I was getting a cavity filled and the dentist shoots in the novacane, waits the period of time and then starts to drill. Still felt it FULLY!. The dentist then proceeds to give me two more shots with a wait in between..... nope still felt it. Then I had two direct teeth injections and STILL felt it. The dentist at this point tells me that I'll have to bear the pain (I didn't realize I could refuse at this point, I was 21) and then continues to drill the cavity. My knuckles were white at this point.

          So I'm not sure if I've built up a tolerance or what but it was annoying. I looked for the longest time for a dentist that would put me under if I needed more cavities.. doesn't exist unless it's oral surgery so when my dental plan kicks in at my new job I'll be finding someone that does novacane AND laughing gas.
          Wikipedia and Google.... the needles to my tangent habit.

          That special feeling we get in the cockles of our hearts, Or maybe below the cockles, Maybe in the sub-cockle area, Maybe in the liver, Maybe in the kidneys, Maybe even in the colon, We don't know.


          • #6
            What a bunch of wimps!!!!

            I've had both local and general anesthesia and even though I woke up sevearly dizy from the general... all was good after a few hours.

            The needle didn't hurt one bit, ok a little but if you can block out the pain you're in business



            • #7
              I would say something was abnormal. I have had two major procedures done under local (implanting pacemakers, with cables into the heart) and felt almost nothing, other than, the second time, the surgeon was keen to get away and made the first bistouri incision a few seconds before the nerves were fully numb, but even that wasn't bad. I've also had two epidural operations in relation to my prostate cancer and felt nothing other than the minor prick of the local before the spinal injection. What I hate is dental locals and I've told my dentist that I would rather do without except where strictly necessary. The last time was for a premolar root canal procedure with a twisted root. Ugh!
              Brian (the devil incarnate)


              • #8
                i had local on my foot once.
                After the procedure, I was driven home, so i lied down on the back seats.
                WHen i got out, i just collapsed, cuse the anesthesia ran up my legs i suppose!


                • #9
                  The local anesthetic hurt no worse than the injury I was getting sewn up. In my index finger it felt like my finger was swelling like a balloon, but when I looked at it was no different. Once I was numb I watched the doc put in the stitches and asked him if he ever got tired of sewing people up. He said "No. I love my job."

                  The doctor happened to be the sax player for the wedding band my brother-in-law was drummer for. We used to party quite a lot back in the day. Definitely the guy you want to have patching you up.



                  • #10
                    the last time I had it was on my marble-sack for the big 'V'.
                    just stung a bit going in , and realy didn't feel much during the rest of the procedure except the tugging, which extended well up.
                    Yeah, well I'm gonna build my own lunar space lander! With blackjack aaaaannd Hookers! Actually, forget the space lander, and the blackjack. Ahhhh forget the whole thing!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Elie
                      What a bunch of wimps!!!!

                      I've had both local and general anesthesia and even though I woke up sevearly dizy from the general... all was good after a few hours.

                      The needle didn't hurt one bit, ok a little but if you can block out the pain you're in business

                      I agree. I had all of my hand surgeries last year under local, and even watched them do 'em once the Dr. was convinced I wouldn't freak out.


                      Dr. Mordrid
                      Dr. Mordrid
                      An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                      I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                      • #12
                        Well... there was this one time while out fishing, an alligator snapping turtle bit my hand and I ended up with an infected fingernail. I didn't want to go home yet so I just pulled the nail off with a pair of pliers, stung a little but was no big deal.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Brian Ellis
                          ... What I hate is dental locals and I've told my dentist that I would rather do without except where strictly necessary. The last time was for a premolar root canal procedure with a twisted root. Ugh!
                          Depends on whether it's an upper or lower.
                          In an upper the Dentist can just inject in the gum next to the bone holding the tooth root and the drug will permeate the bone and reach the nerve at the base of the tooth root.
                          For a lower the jaw bone is not permable (it's too dense) and so the shot must go into or near the nerve it's self where it is exposed near the jaw joint.
                          That's why the lower can heart so much.
                          Though the dentist can really moderate that with a swab and the correct injection technique.

                          PS I had 5(!) fillings at a single sitting sans anestetic when I was 12 years old.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by cjolley
                            PS I had 5(!) fillings at a single sitting sans anestetic when I was 12 years old.

                            Yea Doc, back in the days of walking to school, 12 miles barefoot in the snow and uphill BOTH ways! lol
                            Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


                            • #15
                              bleh... 5? *shudder*

                              The worst I can say is that when I was around that age my adult teeth were coming in and my baby teeth weren't moving. I had to get six teeth pulled. Now the problem with this was A.) these were military dentists (Air Force Brat), now these guys are suppose to be good.. I'm just saying. B.) My teeth didn't want to come out. They pulled the teeth and the roots.... stayed. I then got that plastic tarp with holes stuck in my mouth and got to watch as bits of teeth flew out of my mouth as they drilled. Oh well, the novacane worked then
                              Wikipedia and Google.... the needles to my tangent habit.

                              That special feeling we get in the cockles of our hearts, Or maybe below the cockles, Maybe in the sub-cockle area, Maybe in the liver, Maybe in the kidneys, Maybe even in the colon, We don't know.

