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UN Oil-For-Fraud Summary

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  • UN Oil-For-Fraud Summary

    United in greed, divided it falls
    The other day I sat behind a car from Massachusetts bearing the bumper-sticker "War is Never the Answer". Well, it depends on the question. In this case, without the war, we wouldn't even be asking the questions. Without the paper trail in Baghdad, who would have mustered the will to look into Oil-for-Food and see it through to the point where it's brought down a clutch of career UN bigwigs? They're no great loss to humanity: Mr Strong's "legacy", the Kyoto treaty, is already seen as a joke that's likely to crash the economies of those few countries who've made the mistake of taking it seriously (New Zealand), and, as for his North Korean outreach, we should be grateful it ended before a full-fledged Kim Jong-Il Nukes-for-Food programme was up and running.
    The sheer contempt on display is bewildering. Did these UN officials even think about the harm they were causing? How is the world supposed to look to the UN for leadership and guidance if the bigwigs all have their hands in the cookie jar?

    Even if he's innocent, which I doubt, Kofi's reign is tainted. They need fresh blood to come in and clean house over there.
    P.S. You've been Spanked!

  • #2
    Unfortunately the UN is comprised of (and has been for quite some time) packs of greedy countries trying to extort money from those with more, and corrupt leaders who have their dirty hands in almost every 'humanitarian' transaction done.


    • #3
      You don't even what to know what I really think of the UN

      OK...maybe 5% of it is useful, but not much more.

      Dr. Mordrid
      Dr. Mordrid
      An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

      I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps

