Remember this very fast country quiz? There are more on the site now...
Which state are you?
You're Bikini Atoll!
You once believed that your biggest concern would be a shark attack.
Now you know just how much more destructive humans can be than any
other creature. While you don't like mushrooms, you've had to eat so
many of them that it's become almost a way of life. Exiled from your
home and forced to wait for someone to clean it up, you've become
bitter but remain powerless. Most people like to gawk at those who
share your name.
Which state are you?
You're Bikini Atoll!
You once believed that your biggest concern would be a shark attack.
Now you know just how much more destructive humans can be than any
other creature. While you don't like mushrooms, you've had to eat so
many of them that it's become almost a way of life. Exiled from your
home and forced to wait for someone to clean it up, you've become
bitter but remain powerless. Most people like to gawk at those who
share your name.