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Who's planning on getting an Xbox 360?

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  • #46
    Just give me DOA4 and I'll be happy with the console



    • #47
      yeah i agree, when playing COD 2 at future shop the frame rate is what really gave it that edge over older consoles - it just FELT so much better to play

      apparently there has been a problem with the 360 psu overheating and causing it to crash, most people have remedied this by simply raising the unit a little more to give it more airflow underneath, so if you get one, make sure you have a decent amount of space/airflow around it
      Q9450 + TRUE, G.Skill 2x2GB DDR2, GTX 560, ASUS X48, 1TB WD Black, Windows 7 64-bit, LG M2762D-PM 27" + 17" LG 1752TX, Corsair HX620, Antec P182, Logitech G5 (Blue)
      Laptop: MSI Wind - Black


      • #48
        the MURC

        OT: OT: OT: The Murc is a special place. I haven't been checking in lately but scrolling through the lounge revealed a site which I would never see any where else on the internet. Posts #13- Posts #15 in this thread reveal a dispay of animation rarely seen on other forums. Purple Hippo Slapping his belly between Dave's Colliding Teets. A sight to behold. Only missing a Guiness....

        Alcohol and Drugs make life tolerable.


        • #49
          I decided the other day that I wasn't going to get an XBox 360 right now after all.

          Trouble is, EB called me tonight to tell me that my pre-order came in...

          So I bought it.

          I don't intend to keep it though. I'm going to call some of my customers to see if they're looking for one for their kids. I figure I can at least win some points by unloading it.

          If I don't manage to get rid of it in a few day then I guess I'll have to keep it. Oh well...
          P.S. You've been Spanked!


          • #50
            Originally posted by schmosef
            I decided the other day that I wasn't going to get an XBox 360 right now after all.

            Trouble is, EB called me tonight to tell me that my pre-order came in...

            So I bought it.

            I don't intend to keep it though. I'm going to call some of my customers to see if they're looking for one for their kids. I figure I can at least win some points by unloading it.

            If I don't manage to get rid of it in a few day then I guess I'll have to keep it. Oh well...
            Or you can sell it to me and get MUCHO points

            No seriously, if for some reason you can't offload it to one of your clients, I've been looking for one for my son (who is 16). Never hurts to ask
            Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


            • #51
              In all seriousness... If I can't unload it, you can have it (by that I mean you can buy it from me).

              It's the version with the hard drive and remote. I also bought Perfect Dark Zero and Call of Duty 2 (plus the extended warranty from EB).

              I'm not sure about customs fees or how how the warranty would work in the US but if you wanted to assume all the shipping/customs costs and be responsible for the warranty then I'd have no problem sending it to you.

              Edit: The unit, with tax, extended warranty, and both games came to $758.97 CDN. I'll let you know in a couple of days if I've been able to unload it.
              Last edited by schmosef; 14 December 2005, 22:42.
              P.S. You've been Spanked!


              • #52
                Really? You'd do that?

                Let's see, the Xbox, plus hdd and remote, $400? 2 popular games, $120? Extended warranty = $$$? Plus customs and shipping? I have no clue how much that would be. What is the exchange rate? It's starting to sound like it would be too much For some reason I thougnt you were in the states. Oh well, I appreciate the offer though, thanks!
                Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


                • #53
                  Looks like you were editing your message as I was posting

                  I went here:
                  The Bank of Canada is the nation’s central bank. We are not a commercial bank and do not offer banking services to the public. Rather, we have responsibilities for Canada’s monetary policy, bank notes, financial system, and funds management. Our principal role, as defined in the Bank of Canada Act, is "to promote the economic and financial welfare of Canada."

                  and converted $758.97 to US dollars and it comes out to $658.20

                  Anyhow, I was thinking I'd be buying the core system or something so I don't think I can afford that once everything is added in, but seriously, thanks for the offer, much appreciated
                  Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


                  • #54
                    I would do it. No big deal.

                    According to the US dollar isn't trading so well right now.

                    $760 CND would set you back about $660 USD. Not sure if that's a good deal.

                    That's before shipping and customs, if any.

                    A week ago I was 13th on the waiting list. I'd guess that if you got on a few waiting lists in stores around you that you might be able to get one relatively soon.
                    P.S. You've been Spanked!


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Helevitia
                      Looks like you were editing your message as I was posting

                      I went here:
                      The Bank of Canada is the nation’s central bank. We are not a commercial bank and do not offer banking services to the public. Rather, we have responsibilities for Canada’s monetary policy, bank notes, financial system, and funds management. Our principal role, as defined in the Bank of Canada Act, is "to promote the economic and financial welfare of Canada."

                      and converted $758.97 to US dollars and it comes out to $658.20

                      Anyhow, I was thinking I'd be buying the core system or something so I don't think I can afford that once everything is added in, but seriously, thanks for the offer, much appreciated
                      The core system is a really bad value. If you can't afford to get the one with the hard drive bundled just yet then wait a month or two until you can.

                      Most analysts say that the only reason the core system exists is so that M$ can say that they hit a certain price point.

                      The other bundle is a significantly better value.
                      P.S. You've been Spanked!


                      • #56
                        Still No Xbox 360 for me I even got an extra wired controller(wanted to try it out on the PC, kinda disappointed that the rumble feature didnt work in NFS:MW), charger/battery pack and face plate for I just need the friggen thing LOL

                        I've heard rumors that Best Buy is supposed to have alot of them this Sunday right before xmas..maybe I'll get one then...I'm having Hibiatachi dinner with friends and family on saturday and then going partying afterwards for my B-day..maybe I'll get hammered and pass out in front of Best buy that early morning LOL.
                        Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?


                        • #57
                          Not getting one till DOA4 is available. Probably Jan/Feb 06 for us Euro'ers/UK'ers. Would love to take that off you schmo', but I think any probs is gonna be quite a hassle to sort. Good luck with it.



                          • #58
                            My 8 year old is sadly ignorant of the delights of the xbox 360, I say sadly because he has a lot of vouchers for brithday/christmas that would take the sting out of the purchase.

                            The good news is that a golden goose laid an egg in my lap yesterday, worth £250, completely unexpectedly Come January that egg is getting conveted into a 'box

                            I'm seeing this being under the LCD TV instead of the HTPC, and streaming media from elsewhere in the house.


                            • #59
                              It's astonishing that a system this piss-poor is "sold out" across the country. Kudos to Microsoft for over-hyping a deficient box!
                              The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                              I'm the least you could do
                              If only life were as easy as you
                              I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                              If only life were as easy as you
                              I would still get screwed


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Gurm
                                It's astonishing that a system this piss-poor is "sold out" across the country. Kudos to Microsoft for over-hyping a deficient box!
                                LOL I guess its a fair bet your a Nitendo fan boy or Playstation fanboy
                                Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?

