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(Semi) Popular Movies I refuse to watch

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  • (Semi) Popular Movies I refuse to watch

    So I've often been called a bit of a stick-in-the-mud because I refuse to watch certain movies. Titanic, for example. I downloaded the parts with Kate Winslet's boobs in them, and binned the rest. My argument? Not only is it UTTERLY implausible, but we know how it ends... EVERYONE DIES. Except Kate. Only takes you 30 seconds to realize Kate lives. But everyone else dies. Why watch that?

    But what makes me MORE upset is movies that should never exist in the first place, because the entire plot is too contrived to ever fly. The example that made me start this thread? John Q.

    You might remember John Q. It starred Denzel Washington. The ENTIRE PREMISE of the movie is that his kid needs a heart transplant, and he has no money, so he holds the hospital for ransom with a gun until they do the operation.

    What's the problem? IT WOULDN'T HAPPEN. If the kid is on the transplant recipient list, and it's his turn, and there's a donor heart waiting... the operation WILL HAPPEN regardless of the money. No transplant center in the country would say "sorry sir, we're going to let a 6-year-old DIE because you have bad credit". WTF?

    And there are plenty of movies like this. My list of "refuse to watch" movies includes:

    - Disaster films. We know how they end. People die.
    - Historical films (that don't feature highly engaging stories). Again, we know how they end. We've just finished watching "Kingdom of Heaven", and I expected to leave after about 5 minutes because ... well ... JERUSALEM GETS SACKED. Why watch? We know they lose. But it turned out to be really engaging, so it's ok. Plenty don't. Troy was ALMOST unwatchable. I mean, we've all read the Iliad.
    - Sports films. Let's sum this up: Plucky newcomer overcomes improbable if not inconceivable odds to win. Yes, again. RUDY! RUDY! RUDY! RUDY!
    - Films based on video games. Oh, wait - I do watch those. I always regret it, but I watch them anyway.

    Then there are the more nebulous films. The ones that I turn off because the entire plot hinges on someone acting in a nonsensical manner. You know the ones I'm talking about. When you're watching, and the entire setup depends on someone doing something highly implausible. 99% of horror movies, sadly, fall into this category. "Oh, people keep getting killed here when they swim? Let's go skinny dipping!"

    Also I refuse to watch any period piece without a happy ending. Movies where the characters begin miserable, stay miserable, and end miserable without learning ANY important lessons? BZZZZZT thanks but no! Examples: "Wings of the Dove" and "Jefferson Park". Or... wait, Vanity Faire. GOOD GOD, why do these films get made? "It was a celebrated novel!" Well, the NOVEL had a moral. The movie based on the novel is just a bunch of bad people being unhappy... with a couple GOOD people who get shat upon for no good reason thrown in for good measure.
    The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

    I'm the least you could do
    If only life were as easy as you
    I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
    If only life were as easy as you
    I would still get screwed

  • #2
    ermm.. aside of the fact that all the movies you mentioned are ones i wouldnt watch too... sometimes its just good to watch a cheesy movie and lugh at the crap they try to put forward...

    have you seen any non holywood films?
    "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


    • #3
      Originally posted by SpiralDragon
      ermm.. aside of the fact that all the movies you mentioned are ones i wouldnt watch too... sometimes its just good to watch a cheesy movie and lugh at the crap they try to put forward...

      have you seen any non holywood films?
      Cheezy movies are fine. I have no problem with that. My problem is with movies that are TOTALLY SERIOUS yet are founded on an implausibility.
      The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

      I'm the least you could do
      If only life were as easy as you
      I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
      If only life were as easy as you
      I would still get screwed


      • #4
        Kingdom of Heaven doesn't belong in the category of Historical Fiction.

        It has almost zero basis in history. At least the history of this planet.

        It's sheer revisionism of the worst kind. Pandering PC drivel. In short, it's offensive crap.
        P.S. You've been Spanked!


        • #5
          Gurm, did you ever see Arlington Road?


          • #6
            Speaking of historical movies... looks like Steven Spielberg is giving Sword of Gideon a Hollywood/Spielberg make-over and calling in Munich. For those who have never seen Sword of Gideon, which was fantastic imo, it's about a group of Massad agents (Isreali version of CIA and special/secret ops all rolled into one intelligence/killing machine) that hunt down and kill the poeple and leaders that were responsible for the Isreali atheletes killed at the 1972 Munich games.

            HD Trailer:

            Looks like it has potential ... let's just hope Speilberg doesn't make it mushy like AI, but keeps it raw like the everything-but-the-scenes-with-the-old-guy in Saving Private Ryan
            “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
            –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett


            • #7
              There's some controversy about this. One of Speilberg's writers or something is a critic of the Mossad and they use the story as a morality lesson on how Israel was wrong to try to go after the Black September gang.

              As I remember it their version of events is based on a discredited book by a former Mossad agent.

              Speilberg needs to devote his talents to telling Israel's story in the way only he can. That would be a masterpiece.
              Last edited by schmosef; 7 November 2005, 22:10.
              P.S. You've been Spanked!


              • #8
                Lately I've been reading the books by David Gemmell.

                IMHO they are way better than the LOTR books. I think he's even better than my old fantasy favourite Terry Brooks.

                Gemmell's book would make some fantastic movies.
                P.S. You've been Spanked!


                • #9
                  Gurm, I think you put too much expectations on movies you've never seen before. It's like saying you aren't gonna beat off because you know the ending

                  Personally, I think you should just go to these movies you complain of. If nothing else, you could say to your self, "I knew it!", or maybe, you might just be suprised.

                  Personally, I thought Titanic was a great movie and I loved Kingdom of Heaven, although the movie needed to be longer to deepen the plot. But for the time they had, I think they did a good job.

                  And last, I think people criticize movies way too much. It's there for people to enjoy, but it seems 90% of everyone I know gets all stressed out about how good or crappy it was.

                  There is the occasional movie that annoys me though, I must admit. Anchorman is one of those movies. It was just too retarded for me. Funny though becasue I like other equally retarded moves, so I ;m not sure what is? *shrugs*
                  Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


                  • #10
                    I orefer movies that actually "move" me, as in emotionally affect me with sadness, surprise, awe of beauty and whatnot. You know, art. Most movies however feel like a rollercoaster kind of thing, lasting two hours but with the intensity of a dry piece of bread.

                    I've read a few of Gemmell's books and I remember thinking (of especially one) how it basically seemd like a script to me. Similarly, the Eddings books might perhaps do for a soap-opera kinda thing.
                    Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
                    [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Helevitia
                      Gurm, I think you put too much expectations on movies you've never seen before. It's like saying you aren't gonna beat off because you know the ending

                      Personally, I think you should just go to these movies you complain of. If nothing else, you could say to your self, "I knew it!", or maybe, you might just be suprised.
                      . . . . . .
                      I just wait 'til it comes out on TV except for movies like Serenity and the first three or is it last three Star Wars movies. I went to the Star Wars movies because I almost felt I had to for geek cred. I buy very few DVDs. I watched part of Blade 2 one day when I was bored on TV. I did enjoy "Saving Private Ryan" recently on a borrowed DVD. I wish that I had seen it in the theaters.

                      I do have to agree with Gurm on Titanic though for a different reason. I was too tired of people telling me that I had to see it. Anything that is so hyped by the general populace just makes me shudder on reflex even if for no good reason.

                      What does everyone think of the original Mortal Kombat movie? I liked it a little for the game advert that it was but then again I paid less than $10 for it and yes I know it sucked.


                      • #12
                        hmm, so why did you watch the LotR-movies? You knewed very good how they ended.

                        Why have sex? You know how it ends
                        "Women don't want to hear a man's opinion, they just want to hear their opinion in a deeper voice."


                        • #13
                          Funny, I asked myself that same question about the LOTR movies.

                          I liked the first one. I hated the second one. The third one, I didn't hate, but I didn't like it either.
                          P.S. You've been Spanked!


                          • #14
                            I have a similar disgust for Harry Potter movies...also, I absolutely refuse to even touch that goddamn DaVinci Code rag, if only for the kind of people I usually see reading it.
                            All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


                            • #15
                              Kingdom of Heaven... havent seen it yet
                              excalibure.... one of my favorits
                              Brazil.... love it
                              Metropolice.. at the top of my list along with Edward sizorhands, bigfish, Love actualy, that damnd film about lucid dreaming... the wall and a few others...

                              i havent had the chance to see shindlers list yet... like ben hur... love the old holywood greek myth films.. and some of the halmark newer ones... didnt like troy because it took the godly elemnts out of the story and focused too mutch on brads ass... but loved the fight coriography as a sowrdsman and a balet dancer... i rather love fidler on the roof... and i like watching haulucust related films... they instill a feeling of shame in me as a human... one film i love is Ararat.... love the way the story of the armenian genocied is told...
                              "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"

