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New York Housing Authority supervisor Felix Vasquez admitted Thursday he was scared when a frightened mother threw her three-week-old son from a burning third-floor Bronx apartment -- right into his arms.
"The mom was panicking," Vasquez told CNN's "American Morning." "A lot of smoke in the apartment, she was nervous. She said, 'It's either me or my baby.' She let the baby go, and, thank God, I was there at the right time."
Vasquez said he didn't have time to think. The baby -- not breathing -- landed upside down in his waiting arms, and he whisked him away and "gave him mouth-to-mouth."
"It started crying," he said. "... and the fire department came over and did their part."
"Their part" included rescuing the mother.
"She's doing great," Vasquez said of the mother. "She took a lot of smoke in, but she's doing excellent."
"She came up to me, hugged me, kissed me and kept thanking me and thanking me."
Vasquez is the catcher for the Housing Authority baseball team -- which has won its division three years in a row.
New York Housing Authority supervisor Felix Vasquez admitted Thursday he was scared when a frightened mother threw her three-week-old son from a burning third-floor Bronx apartment -- right into his arms.
"The mom was panicking," Vasquez told CNN's "American Morning." "A lot of smoke in the apartment, she was nervous. She said, 'It's either me or my baby.' She let the baby go, and, thank God, I was there at the right time."
Vasquez said he didn't have time to think. The baby -- not breathing -- landed upside down in his waiting arms, and he whisked him away and "gave him mouth-to-mouth."
"It started crying," he said. "... and the fire department came over and did their part."
"Their part" included rescuing the mother.
"She's doing great," Vasquez said of the mother. "She took a lot of smoke in, but she's doing excellent."
"She came up to me, hugged me, kissed me and kept thanking me and thanking me."
Vasquez is the catcher for the Housing Authority baseball team -- which has won its division three years in a row.

Mr. Vasquez has to be todays Hero of the Day

Dr. Mordrid