Those who live in Toronto will be experiencing a ton of snow right now as I type this and looking outside, man it's bad!!!
No announcement yet.
Let it snow let it snow... let it SNOW!!!
We have 8 inches on the ground (snowed all day) and our heavy snow alert has 4 hours to go.
Round #2 with the snowblower starts tomorrow morning
Dr. MordridDr. Mordrid
An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.
I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps
had the snowblower out todayso glad it actually started up
Q9450 + TRUE, G.Skill 2x2GB DDR2, GTX 560, ASUS X48, 1TB WD Black, Windows 7 64-bit, LG M2762D-PM 27" + 17" LG 1752TX, Corsair HX620, Antec P182, Logitech G5 (Blue)
Laptop: MSI Wind - Black
Mine is self-powered with electronic ignition, EFI and an electric starter
With 12hp it'll throw snow 100' (30m), even in the deep stuff.
Dr. MordridLast edited by Dr Mordrid; 15 December 2005, 19:45.Dr. Mordrid
An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.
I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps
yeah well, mine takes an average of about ten pulls to get it going, but today I did it in only two! so... there...
... ... how much did you pay for it?Q9450 + TRUE, G.Skill 2x2GB DDR2, GTX 560, ASUS X48, 1TB WD Black, Windows 7 64-bit, LG M2762D-PM 27" + 17" LG 1752TX, Corsair HX620, Antec P182, Logitech G5 (Blue)
Laptop: MSI Wind - Black
Originally posted by |Mehen|
... ... how much did you pay for it?
Not exactly the same thing, but along the lines of this beast;
Trust me; the 35' throw distance they quote for most of these things is the minimum in heavy/wet snow. Lighter stuff goes almost all the way across our street if I aim it that way. Ours will even throw slushy/wet/dirty snow over 10'. Run it slow and careful and it'll even eat it's way through the ice/snow dams left by street plows.
Until you've used one you have no idea as to how much work & back pain they can save you.
Dr. MordridLast edited by Dr Mordrid; 15 December 2005, 23:03.Dr. Mordrid
An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.
I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps
Seriously, where I live (300 m altitude), I've seen sleety snow fall twice for short periods since 1998, but it has never settled. In the mountains, snowfalls of up to 1 m (3 m cumulative) are known and winter sports are practised (skilifts there!). This is one of the few places where you can both downhill ski and waterski on the sea in 30 minutes (Cypriot driver) or 45 minutes (normal driver).Brian (the devil incarnate)
I love a good snow storm
nothing beats throwing the truck into 4wd and going into a 4 wheel power slide in the corners, with snow flying all around as the tires throw it in all directionsYeah, well I'm gonna build my own lunar space lander! With blackjack aaaaannd Hookers! Actually, forget the space lander, and the blackjack. Ahhhh forget the whole thing!